Stubborn Walker


I'm not who moved my bulldog?
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Community Veteran
Jul 28, 2011
Gilbertsville, PA
Bulldog(s) Names
Chelios (Frenchie), Cubby (Frenchie) Nitschke (2004-2011) Banks (2005-2014) and Lambeau (2014-2024)


New member
Feb 19, 2012
Bulldog(s) Names
First Lady Hennessy aka SySy
oh boy... FLH can be quite stubborn herself when we attempt to walk. it's always a new adventure but i just hope the next time out it'll all come together for her. i'll keep ya'll posted for the hopeful progress.


Active member
Sep 20, 2011
Montreal, Quebec (Canada)
Bulldog(s) Names
Biggie Smalls, Jack, Chubby, Doris, Molly, Jackie, Cloé, Maya, Mathilda, Becky
Biggie was like that the first week I had him at 8 wks. I took off the harness and put a collar around his neck. He had no choice but to follow. Now he LOVES going for walks.


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Jul 7, 2011
New Zealand
When he was young this was one of the issues the big boy had (on walks round the block from our house). I got round it by just taking off his lead and walking on with the rest of the family one day - he decided to follow. I think it was just an "ocd" type thing in relation to this particular walk, as he loved, loved to walk elsewhere and we used to walk for hours when he was young. He got over his stubborness in walking the streets around the house (which was the only place he was stubborn in walking) after about his first year.

So trying your dog on walks elsewhere especially walking him fun places off lead will encourage him to walk.

It is so not true that bullies don't like to walk. While I've only had two the first actually used to come on horse rides with my siblings and I and our boxers. Our current boy could certainly not do that and could not eg come on a jog, but man, he lives for his walks.


New member
Jan 25, 2011
Fontana, CA
Bulldog(s) Names
Wilson & BabyGirl
Mr. Wilson likes to walk and he for the most part walks along well. Every once in a while the :evil: comes out and he'll just dart into the street dragging me along so I gotta be ready to counter tug before we wind up in front of a passing vehicle. BabyGirl seems to be growing more "independent" on our walks and chooses to amble zig zagging from one side of the street to the other looking under parked cars for sleeping cats. I started walking them as soon as they had all their shots so they've been use to walking for three years now. Although I have to admit Mr. Wilson doesn't like the "process" of putting on the harness but once on he's "good to go."


New member
Mar 19, 2012
Alberta, Canada
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Tonka does the exact same thing! Last night was his first good walk, we're going to try again today if it stops raining. What I did was if he stopped I put constant tension on the leash in the direction I wanted him to go until he took a step then immediately let the leash go slack as long as he was walking. If he walked for a few meters himself I would give him a treat. Pretty quickly he figured out that walking equalled treat and in about 15 min he was walking beside me staring up every block or so for a treat. He does have some serious ADD but as long as I get his attention and make him look right at me he keeps going, he is only 16 weeks, I can't expect miracles! When he figures out we're on the way home he has no walking issues for some reason. He just hates leaving home. I will let you know how this tactic continues to work!


Active member
Mar 16, 2012
Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada
Bulldog(s) Names
Bongo was the same just patience and coaxing and treats eventually we were able to take the treat way and just coax. What I really found worked with Bongo was a gentle tug and a lot of "good boy, good bongo". If i pulled to hard or had a harsh voice he would put on the breaks. Man when he did that it didn't matter if he was on gravel or flaming hot coals he would not get up not matter if i dragged him. He would do this on the road when we were crossing and I would have to pick him up it was so bad. Now he's awesome after all the patience and work..

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