Stig's a big boy now ...


Sep 16, 2010
Toronto, Ontario
Bulldog(s) Names
The Stig Racecar Driver and (Sweet Angel) Punkin Brutus
... cuz he got his second vaccinations! :up:

He was unable to get vaccinated after numerous visits to the vet because of his hives. Not all good though, the vet diagnosed him with demodex mange, so he needs to take medication for it for the next couple of months (I think). But she said that that was the cause of his hives and not because of allergies. So today he got a skin scrape and blood test (for heartworm). What a day!

Here he is showing off his bandage!

What he did once we got home and for the rest of the day.
such a handsome boy!!!! what kind of meds did they give him for the mange?? we went through a phase and they gave him anitbiotics and some cream to put on the affected area and it took about 2 weeks for it to finally clear up!! hope he gets better fast!!
White bully lover here too, lol. Love to watch bullies sleep. Glad he is ok.
Beautiful boy he is....Mine also gave a cream to clear it up. I think the scraping was for the mange right at least that's what mine did...LOL
He certainly looks like he is on his way to being a 'big boy'.... a VERY big boy!! Handsome as can be too:up:
He is so sweet! I hope that you have found the cause of the hives so he can get better! I like white too :)
Aaaaawww ... the young stig-meister!!!! And he has grown into such a handsome young bully!!! :bully:
Wow, old school. In the beginning I thought he had a small head for his body, now I know that it's because he was a fatty fat fat. :hahaha: I'm glad he's somewhat proportionate now. lol.
He is so sweet! I hope that you have found the cause of the hives so he can get better! I like white too :)

His hives were actually due to an allergy to food. He made a complete turnaround when we stopped giving him treats other than dehydrated meat and fruits/veggies and changed his diet to raw.

Although he developed a couple of hives the past few days, I'm thinking it's because of the season or the detergent we're using.

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