sore bum


New member
Jan 15, 2011
NE Indiana
Bulldog(s) Names
Bullet {booboo}
i was wiping Bullet's bottom this morning as he appeared to be trying his hardest to reach his bottom by spinning around and falling over. i quickly realized his anus was partly red and looked a little swollen. :( i want to mention i have been giving him more veggies lately and he has had somewhat soft and frequent stools the last day or i cut him off on so many veggies and fruits too. (ugh, it's so hard to NOT give him treats that he seems to really love :crazy:)

anyway, i applied some A&D ointment as this is what i had on hand and what his past owner had suggested for his nose rope when it gets irritated at the creases. tonight it doesn't look as red or swollen but i reapplied the ointment in hopes it will heal good.

anyone else experience this? do you think it could be something else? i hadn't noticed him trying to reach back there anytime after the initial cleaning this morning so i hope this is all it is.:pray:
There is what they call a tail pocket, where (and those that have experience, correct me if I am wrong) there is actually a indention that causes the collection of :poo: and bacteria at times this can get irritated and sometimes infected. Bella doesn't have a pocket so to speak of, but she has loose stools quiet often and wet gas, so she will collect debris up underneath and it drives her crazy. We keep sensitive baby wipes in the family room. (that is the door she goes in and out of) and if she is twirling around or scooting, that is my clue to wipe her. Bullet might just have the same kind of tail, one that collects. Keep an eye on it and have some wipes or something to clean it with when it happens.
luckily, i don't think we have that issue. Bullet's tail is rather long (about 4") and sits up away from his anus and actually tilts to the left so it doesn't constantly cover his anus area (without trying to sound weird...his anus "peeks" out a little from his tail, lol). from what i understand of what a "pocket" is...he doesn't have anything that feels like one. i've cleaned under and around his tail and can't find anything "closed off". hope this makes sense.

i am considering wiping after each potty break. i guess one can never be too clean. :eek:
I think you're doing the right things thus far.

My first bulldog Bentley had a similar "ailment" with his rump. Basically, you treat it like diaper rash - keep it clean, treat it with Desitin or A&D ointment, and try to stop up those loose stools!
Maybe too many fruits and veggies, I would take it slow on those and make sure his tummy gets used to the good stuff. How are his poos? Are they soft or solid?
the redness is gone today and his stool is looking more firm. i cut his veggies/fruit way down yesterday and we will try to ration it more now. :eek:
How much fruits n veggies were you giving? Was it a lot?
um, i don't know...:eek:

i bought diced up bags of different veggies and froze them. i started supplimenting about 1/2 cup of frozen butternut squash in with his dry food in place of some cheap big bites of food the previous owner was giving him (her vet had her give Bullet several pieces of Ol' Roy in with his food to slow him down from eating so fast). that cheap food was staining his face. since i've stopped his face is looking better but he was choking on his food. these veggies seem to help him slow back down a little. by the way, i have one of those slow feeder bowls and he gets mad and smacks his paw on it and dumps it over. it's not the lightest bowl either...he doesn't like being slowed down with his food. lol

so, ontop of the squash in his food twice daily i was letting him try different veggies like; brocolli, carrots, green beans and then sampling bananas, dried fruits, etc. none in large amounts but i also learned my children were treating him through out the evening as well. :ohmy: i don't know if it was the amount so much as the variety and being all in the same few days. :confused:

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