Snuggly Seamus


New member
Apr 17, 2012
Washington, D.C.
Bulldog(s) Names
Mr. Seamus and I have developed a very nice routine in the mornings. I wake him up at 6am to go outside and he immediately pees and poos. Then we go back inside and he gets his breakfast (1.5 cups of TOTW) and then its cuddle time! Mommy is still sleepy most mornings so Seamus and I hop up on the coach and snuggle and sleep another hour or so until Daddy wakes us up to get ready for work. Thankfully I work from home so Seamus doesn't have to spend the whole day in his crate. He is currently resting in the living room enjoying the sunshine while I am working haha

Here is a picture of Seamus snuggled right on top of my head. I absolutely love it!

Seamus snuggle.jpg
Life is good. You and Seamus have the best it can offer. Love the pictures of the bonding moments
Very cute picture, glad to see Seamus likes to snuggle that way. Bacon likes to be facing the other way to see if he can knock us out with his :fart::fart::fart:
Great picture, but even a greater way to the start of a day!

thanks for sharing

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