Skin problems. Hairloss


New member
Aug 5, 2023
United kingdom
Bulldog(s) Names
We adopted Sushi recently and noticed she had hive like bumps on her head, they turn into sores, then a scab then become a hairless patch. We thought it was related to her food and moved her onto a raw diet. Currently on Bella and Duke raw with omegas 3&6 oils added daily. Four leaf rover bovine colostrum in the morning 30 on an empty stomach 30 minutes before food.

We bought Nustock and have been using this for the last 4 days. It comes with decent reviews as it is 70% sulfur and is used to treat a number of skin conditions such as mites and ring worm. Also to help with hair regrowth.


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We adopted Sushi recently and noticed she had hive like bumps on her head, they turn into sores, then a scab then become a hairless patch. We thought it was related to her food and moved her onto a raw diet. Currently on Bella and Duke raw with omegas 3&6 oils added daily. Four leaf rover bovine colostrum in the morning 30 on an empty stomach 30 minutes before food.

We bought Nustock and have been using this for the last 4 days. It comes with decent reviews as it is 70% sulfur and is used to treat a number of skin conditions such as mites and ring worm. Also to help with hair regrowth.

Did you see improvement with the raw diet and bovine colostrum?
Is she less itchy with less hives??

All of what your doing is really good and helpful for allergies!
It will take a while for it to clear up. But you shouldnā€™t be seeing new spots once you e nailed the problem down.

It looks like staph to meā€¦ I will double down on what I said previously, and donā€™t give baths:

Please see this post on Chlorhexidine soaks. I wouldnā€™t do it on the head, but you can dab the chlorhexidine onto the spots. It will kill off the staph. I recommend also doing the body soak even if you canā€™t yet see the body spots. Staph lives on the skin just waiting for an opportunity.

You can safely give benedryl, 1mg per lb with some slop is perfectly safe. Donā€™t stop doing this. You can also switch to cetirizine (zyrtec) and save benedryl for immediate relief if you want. Both are safe.

Do you link the weed killer to this breakout? Have you had much rain since? What does the bag say about pets and children?

The pictures look like common seasonal allergies

Avoid baths. You can pick up some chlorhexidine in a gallon container from the internet. It use to be $20 on Amazon but they switched to 32oz jugs. My last order was through chewy. It should be 2%. Instead of a bath, mix an ounce of this into a gallon of water and soak him in it being careful to keep it from his eyes. I just avoid the whole head. Let it soak 5 minutes then towel off. Dont rinse. Blow dry on cold to make sure heā€™s totally dry.

You can do this every day if heā€™s having sores otherwise the bald spots you can dab the straight chlorohexidine onto with a cotton swab. Just make sure you dry him off very well after the bath.

I recommend adding salmon oil and/or coconut oil to his food.
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My dog is just getting over a very bad Staph infection and I was told to use Dermachlor 4 shampoo which contains clorhexedine like @benny said to use.

But this Dermachlor 4 shampoo that contains that ingredient, the vet dermatologist told me to Bath him with this shampoo Every other day and it looks like his Staph infection is gone based on how his skin looks- I donā€™t like using this stuff on him every other day for bathing him but to get rid of the severe Staph skin infection- I followed the vet dermatologist recommendations and bathed him every other day with this- but this would very likely work better than just the Chlorhexedine topical treatment that Benny recommended and to Not bath the dog- I recommend you just try this shampoo and bath the dog with this to get rid of it completely faster. Let this shampoo sit on your dog for 5-10 minutes before rinsing it off in the bath.

My dog didnā€™t get the Staph infection from allergies- it was stress related from the loss of my other dog 3 month ago for what caused all those hives that got infected that caused this severe Staph infection.

And continue the current raw food and supplements to keep her immune system good.
What ever advice you could give because itā€™s getting worse today imparticuar.
We will be taking her to the vet next week. Whilst we felt it would be something we could resolve ourselves, I thought weā€™d see some decent improvements since using Nustock but itā€™s actually gone worse in the last 4 days sadly.


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What ever advice you could give because itā€™s getting worse today imparticuar.
We will be taking her to the vet next week. Whilst we felt it would be something we could resolve ourselves, I thought weā€™d see some decent improvements since using Nustock but itā€™s actually gone worse in the last 4 days sadly.

Poor girl!

Keep up with the Raw diet and supplement.

Can you get the Dermachlor 4 shampoo or even the Dermachlor 4 Mousse(itā€™s a mouse instead of shampoo which doesnā€™t require bath)?

Can you order any of the Dermachlor 4 shampoo or mousse??

Give her a bath with the Dermachlor 4 shampoo OR 4 Legger brand CALM shampoo.

You can also use colloidal silver on it too daily.
Is there been more stress in the last 4 days, or have you gave her chicken at all since her flare up???

What are you giving for treats? Any different treats in the last 4 days?

Is she more itchy/did she scratch it raw? Or her skin just got like this in the last 4 days??

Are you feeding only raw diet? Thatā€™s best if you can.

Are you feeding any kibble or just raw?

Definitely give her a bath with the Dermachlor 4 shampoo OR 4 Legger brand Calm shampoo.

Do this daily for a few days then give her a bath every other day. It should really help her skin now.
Let it sit on her after messaging it in in the bath wait 5-10 minutes Before rinsing it off.

Hope she gets better soon, they donā€™t take very long to work when using these for Staph infections.

See if you can get one of these and use it to bath her with it:


What ever advice you could give because itā€™s getting worse today imparticuar.
We will be taking her to the vet next week. Whilst we felt it would be something we could resolve ourselves, I thought weā€™d see some decent improvements since using Nustock but itā€™s actually gone worse in the last 4 days sadly.
I agree with Benny --- it looks like a staph infection, which your vet can confirm. if it is you will get a strong antibiotic so be sure to work on strengthen her immune system
Hi all,

We took sushi to the vet yesterday. They offered a medicated shampoo and said she looks well and they have seen EBD's in much worse conditions being brought it.

She has small and medium-sized hairless patches around her body now and still spreading.
We bought hibiscrub last week and chlorhexyderm shampoo. We dipped her paws into diluted hibiscrub and lathered 30ml of Chlorhexyderm across the body and massaged into the affected areas.

The vets are adamant it is allergies and recommended Malaseb and after much discussion apoquel 16mg for the next 3 months.

We've also been told to take her off raw onto a kibble diet but not onto a hydrolyzed diet yet..

Now I am not disagreeing with the vet regarding diet, as after using Bella and Duke now for around a week I have noticed extremely dry poo from sushi, and very hard. I suspect there is too much bone content and a lack of veg. We have been mixing boiled carrots, sweet potatoes and some broccoli from time to time but it's still dry and I notice she gets constipated.

I must admit she seems better on kibble from a digestive point of view, tho it's possible I am missing or doing something wrong.

We also have Omega 3-6 & 9 Capsules that we burst and mix in or add coconut oil or virgin olive oil.

Should she go onto a hydrolyzed diet?

She's also still being given bovine colostrum in the morning before food.

Can someone advise further, again all help is necessary.
What you describe continues to echo my past experiences. The only solution that worked for me was halting all baths and implementing the soaks as described in my previous post here. It is extremely important that you fully dry the dog after the soak and the only way to do this is by using forced air (like a blow dryer, making sure it isn't warm)

I did experiment with other remedies, including colostrum and Quercetin with Bromelain, but ultimately discontinued these after a couple of months when they didn't appear to be necessary.

I had tried Orijen, Carna4, Nature's Logic - she didn't do well on them and actually wouldn't eat Carna4. She was on the Orijen when the problem first occurred. During this time I switched her diet to Purina ProPlan Sensitive Skin and Stomach Salmon, occasionally substituting turkey for breakfast. She has been on ProPlan for well over a year now with no skin issues for the most part. While this may have contributed, I strongly believe that discontinuing baths and focusing on the soaks (when there is a problem) was the game-changer. For what it's worth, I also give Brilliant Salmon Oil or Coconut Oil with every meal.

Concerning the hard stool issue, you might consider adding pumpkin to stabilize the consistency of the feces. Please note that I don't have experience with raw diets.
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Hard, dry stool when feeding raw is usually too much bone. While you can certainly try a different brand of raw or add some veggies into her diet, some dogs may not do well with raw. Louie has to have veggies in his diet otherwise he struggles with his poop while Jax is fine without any veggies. Regardless of what anyone says, you should feed whatever works for you but most importantly whatever works for your dog.

From my own personal experience, bovine colustrum didn't really make a difference for my dogs and it seemed to have made one of them more itchy. Again, every dog is different and while you will get many recommendations and suggestions on here, not everything will work for your dog. Finding what works is basically like a science project and a lot of trial and error.

I prefer Cytopoint over Apoquel.

I personally would not feed a hydrolyzed protein kibble but it could be fine for short term use while you figure out her issues.
Hi all,

We took sushi to the vet yesterday. They offered a medicated shampoo and said she looks well and they have seen EBD's in much worse conditions being brought it.

She has small and medium-sized hairless patches around her body now and still spreading.
We bought hibiscrub last week and chlorhexyderm shampoo. We dipped her paws into diluted hibiscrub and lathered 30ml of Chlorhexyderm across the body and massaged into the affected areas.

The vets are adamant it is allergies and recommended Malaseb and after much discussion apoquel 16mg for the next 3 months.

We've also been told to take her off raw onto a kibble diet but not onto a hydrolyzed diet yet..

Now I am not disagreeing with the vet regarding diet, as after using Bella and Duke now for around a week I have noticed extremely dry poo from sushi, and very hard. I suspect there is too much bone content and a lack of veg. We have been mixing boiled carrots, sweet potatoes and some broccoli from time to time but it's still dry and I notice she gets constipated.

I must admit she seems better on kibble from a digestive point of view, tho it's possible I am missing or doing something wrong.

We also have Omega 3-6 & 9 Capsules that we burst and mix in or add coconut oil or virgin olive oil.

Should she go onto a hydrolyzed diet?

She's also still being given bovine colostrum in the morning before food.

Can someone advise further, again all help is necessary.

First- I definitely do NOT recommend the hydrolyzed vet food as itā€™s literally ALL fillers/garbage just like all formulas made by Purina, Hills and Royal Canin.
I have heard of and seen many dogs have way worse condition on those foods, even the hydrolyzed vet food.

I definitely would recommend you stay away from Purina and Hills and Royal Canin and any vet food. Literally all fillers/garbage and can cause more allergy issues.

For the omegas your using- I would stop those as if those are human omega capsules they can cause inflammation sometimes in dogs if they go rancid, same with coconut oil cause the Lauric acid in it is pro inflammatory(causes inflammation which can cause allergies and other health issues), and even leaky gut.
Coconut oil is basically half Lauric acid which is the problem. MCT oil would be better if you wanted to continue.

When I add omega oil to my dogs food, itā€™s green lipped mussel oil,(Four leaf Rover Safe Sea) oil is what I use for my dogs.

If you want a high quality kibble(which I recommend if your putting her on kibble), the brands that are the most high quality and great for allergies and digestion:
-Natures Logic
-Carna 4

Both these Natures Logic and Carna 4 are synthetic free and all whole food based and have probiotics in it which is great for digestion issues and allergies.

Natures logic is also good for dogs with yeast issues as there is no sweet potatoes or legumes. Itā€™s also easier to find than Carna 4.

If you want a kibble- I highly recommend you try her on Natures Logic- maybe try her on the Sardine formula as I have heard great improvements for allergies. Sardine already has the omegas too so you donā€™t have to add it.

I personally wouldnā€™t have her on apoquel as I seen what it did to my dog who passed of cancer from
It, and Cytopoint is basically the injection version of apoquel and atopica which all suppress the immune system leading to health issues.

How has she been doing on bovine colostrum??

If your open to her staying on raw, try one with veggies, or add pumpkin or probiotics to it.
Raw fed dogs also have less poop because there is no waste in the dog and everything is absorbed and useful in the raw food.

I also donā€™t recommend the sweet potato as it can feed and cause yeast issues which have the same symptoms as allergies.

Keep us updated
I don't know what kibble brands are available to you in the UK but some other brands you can look at if interested and available are Open Farm, Earthborn Holistics, First Mate, Zignature and Stella & Chewy's (which has a variety of different formulas) just to name a few.
@Sushirolls ... I have to try and find the UK link for foods, but I follow a bulldog on Instagram named Pablo, his owner feeds 'oodles" which is raw. Maybe that could be an option

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