Should I be worried???


New member
Mar 24, 2010
Orange Park,FL
Bulldog(s) Names
I have noticed that Mr.Beefy has been "dragging" himself across the floor. It seems that he only does it when he deems it "unworthy' of getting up and walking. Is this normal? Has anyones bully ever done this? Should I be concerned? I have noticed his "testies" looked a bit rugburned so i put some balmex on them and it looks like he only drags on the side where he is having anal gland issues. Could this all be linked? Idk he has me is a tizzy!!!:confused:
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We seemed to have a lot of this going on lately and all signs likely point to anal glands that need expressing OR an itchy tail/tail pocket that needs attention because it's probably growing yeast. I would look at the tail first and see what it looks like and if you're sure that's not it, take him to a groomer or a vet to see about getting his anal glands expressed.
They often scoot or drag their booties across the floor when their anal glands need to be expressed or they are having another anal gland issue. It could also be the tail, Samson has an inverted tail that needs to be cleaned on a regular basis.
He just had his anal glands expressed a few weeks ago. He does have two glands that had ruptured abscesses. He was on Clyndamycin(spellcheck) then Baytril for the anal abscess. and he does have tail pocket yeast that is being treated. I've had him at the vet 4 times in 4 weeks since i've had him. But the dragging isn't him scooting trying to itch his butt. He does a twisty thing in one spot when he's doing that or tries to itch his tail on the fire place brick. Its more like lazyness or like its just to much trouble to get up and walk. I had the vet check his spine because he has a high arch but she said that is normal i'm just worried it could be a hip issue. Idk maybe i'm just PARANOID!!
Eeek, so he's dragging his back legs instead of walking?! That is a big deal. I would get him to the vet at once because that can be a sign of loose hips (hip dyslpasia) or spina bifida. Is he doing it after exercise? After resting for a while? It could be something or nothing but I would definitely get that checked out.
I think I just need to hire an At-Home-Vet for him lol. I had them check him for spina bifida but they didnt do any hip xrays they just made him walk around the office and they moved his back legs back and forth (they said it was to check to see if they popped out). So I think its back to the vet for Mr.Beefy :(
Wow, I'd be concerned too. Better safe than sorry is always a good rule to live by. I have no experience with any of this, (my Bullies are still puppies) but I'd be getting him checked out just for my own piece of mind if I were you. Hope he's fine, but you need to know.
I'm just called the vet... they asked if I wanted to book a room lol. I'll update when we get home and let u guys know . Thanks for all the advice
Oh poor Mr. beefy. Maybe get a video of what he is doing to show the vet even that way maybe they will know what he is doing. And show us too cuz I am nosey. I am sure he is ok but it is always better to be safe than sorry. Are you going to a bully vet I hope? We dont use a bully vet for all things dog related (shots and that type of thing) but for things that are questionable like this we do.
Ok so Mr.Beefy has gained more weight.... he is 68lbs now but we think its muscle mass lol since we have been walking daily. As for the dragging the vet said he was a little stiff, our excercising even though we are taking baby steps he is still feeling the burn just like if a person never worked out before and started a workout regimen. So no HIP DYSPLAISIA just a out of shape BULLY BOY. As for his anal glands and yeasty tail we are still on Baytril just a higher dose and I have to schedule a consult about possible tail amputation. Lets cross our fingers and wag our nubs that it will work out.
Oh poor Mr. beefy. Maybe get a video of what he is doing to show the vet even that way maybe they will know what he is doing. And show us too cuz I am nosey. I am sure he is ok but it is always better to be safe than sorry. Are you going to a bully vet I hope? We dont use a bully vet for all things dog related (shots and that type of thing) but for things that are questionable like this we do.

Next time i catch him dragging butt lol i'll def turn on the web cam!!
Well that is good news, thankfully his hips are fine! You are a good bully owner and taking great care of him. :) Yes please get a video cuz it will be even cuter to know it IS him being lazy. :)
[MENTION=770]Bella'sMom[/MENTION] I went to my old vet in Starke he is retired but we've used him since I was a kid. He did a hip xray and didnt see anything but he gave the name of a few surgical vets about his tail. Do you know any vets here in OP or Jax area that do amputations?
Is he dragging himself like slithering across the floor? Molly does this to itch her belly & girlie area rather than do a butt scoot.

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