She stinks!


My Bully Gave Me Wings
Feb 3, 2012
Woodbridge Township, NJ
Bulldog(s) Names
Abby (my Sweetie Head 10.24.11-11.23.12) and Otis
It's been 2 weeks on these raw patties. So far no physical reactions at all. No vomiting, diarrhea, no shivering. I might even be tempted to say that her whole attitude has changed too. There's a bounce in her step that I've not seen before and her belly is turning pink again. This is fanfreakintastic! But OMG does she smell. Her hair feels oily and it stinks like old gym socks. Could this be from the turkey? I haven't changed anything else about her diet other than adding these patties to her sweet potato mash.
I'm so happy to hear that Abby is doing great and finding her bounce! Usko eats raw and he really doesn't smell at all. I think that like with everything new Abby is probably just adjusting and the smell will go away if it is from the patties.
As with Riisi, I'm thinking she's going through a detox period. Every pup experiences it differently, for Stig is was a lot of earwax which lasted for a couple of weeks or so. Punks' skin and ears were in such bad shape that we didn't notice any detox symptoms, everything must've blended in. lol.

If you're really concerned, I'd call the vet to make sure.
nuVet doesn't want me to give her a bath, he said brushing should be enough. He doesn't sleep with her! lol

I'll give it a little more time. I just thought it might be the turkey.

Thanks :)
You could always get her some doggie perfume! Bre gets a little funky between baths so she has some apple/pear doggie spray :)
Petco has some good smelling sprays. I've had this coconut scent for a while but don't have to use it very often. Sometimes I just spray a little on the carpet around my desk.

I bought this lemongrass spray for her. Maybe I should try coconut. It might be stronger. The lemongrass does nothing but make her shiny.
I still find the no bath rule so odd. Thanks goodness Abby doesn't go to daycare. You would not survive a week if so.

A little off topic, but when Punkin moved in with us, the only things he came with were his crate, a puppy halloween costume, a small bag of Royal Canin Bulldog and a spray. Absolutely no toys. :nope: I guess they thought him smelling sorta nice was better. :rolleyes:
could just be the raw feed ,i would only bath if any allergic reactions show ie itchies,sometimes they go through a greasy,shedding,smelly state sometimes not ,each dog is different when starting raw,keep going with the raw it will work out ,karen
Sounds like it is going good, hopefully just a detox... How often did your vet say you can bathe her?
Sounds like it is going good, hopefully just a detox... How often did your vet say you can bathe her?

nuVet says to never bathe her. There's no way I can do that. I'm supposed to brush her every day instead. I can do the brushing, but no bath? EVER? Yuck
if she too smelly then try rubbing some lavender on her coat ,karen
This is out of the blue and off-topic...forgive me im so out of the
whats her condition where she cant be bathed? Im not on here enough. =)
This is out of the blue and off-topic...forgive me im so out of the
whats her condition where she cant be bathed? Im not on here enough. =)

No need to apologize :)

My Abby has renal dysplasia. She was born with broken kidneys and is living with chronic kidney failure. She also has elbow and hip dysplasia. Her immune system and liver have taken a vacation and she had a high risk of pancreatis. She is fighting mange right now and had a reaction to the meds they gave her. I started taking her to a holistic vet (she has so many doctors, I call him nuVet :) )

nuVet says to brush her to stimulate blood flow and no baths to build up the essential oils her skin needs to recondition itself.

I have been feeding her homecooked meals for the past 4 months and she is doing great. NuVet recently added raw meat to get diet and she stinks lol

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