Ruggles Is A Very Tried Boy

Alice Kable

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Community Veteran
Dec 17, 2010
Joseph, Oregon, United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Ruggles and Buster
Today Ruggles and I went to downtown Joseph, OR to walk our 2 miles. We were just getting started when a couple and their Black Lab said hi. Ruggles and Dougie, the Lab, hit it off and we decided to drive to a nearby vacant field to let the boys run and play. Ruggles had a blast, off leash and a buddy to play with. Dougie had fun, too. We exchanged phone numbers and hope to make this doggie playtime part of our routine!
When we went back to finish our walk I figured Ruggles would be so tired he wouldn't pull and could be on his harness the whole way. WRONG! He was hyper and pulled way more than normal!


  • Ruggles and Austen 001.jpg
    Ruggles and Austen 001.jpg
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he must of been trying to find his new friend so he could play some more LOL love that picture of him sleeping in the chair, too cute!!
Love the pic ... now in our house that's called power-napping because they will play like crazy, and then after a 20 minute power nap they are up and at 'em again!!!
:butterfly: what a cute face my husband works night's so right before he goes to bed they get their second wind an play like crazy Franklin tucks his butt an runs like a mad man running into everything it so funny
A lot of times these guys are so on and off that it's really funny. One minute all full of energy and the next zzzzzz. So sweet!
Yay Ruggles! I just love watching dogs play that are totally "in to it". Bea tires easily which bores Bo to tears. That picture's caption should read: "A GOOD PUP IS A TIRED PUP". LOL

Quite frankly, the fact that he walks two full miles with you a day is amazing to me. Bo could do it -- but Bea craps out easily and wants to spend more time sniffing leaves and chasing bugs than anything else. She's like "Ferdinand The Bull" in that way.
[MENTION=2614]Vicaroo1000[/MENTION] that is a perfect caption!

Ruggles and Dougie caught on to each others play rhythm right away. I love that, too!
I can't stand this picture!

He looks so adorable I just want to gve him loads of squishy kisses!

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That is one tired and very comfortable Ruggles.... great picture

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