RIP Sweet LadyBelle


Staff member
Community Veteran
Jan 28, 2010
Tucson, Arizona
Bulldog(s) Names
The Home of the Desert Sky Pack
It is with a heavy heart that I pass on the news that one of the Hospice Bulldogs EBN members sponsor each month, LadyBelle, has gone to the rainbow bridge. Since she was diagnosed with cancer when she first became a sponsored bulldog in December, we were unsure how long she would be with us.

She lived her glory days for the past eight months with her foster mom, Marti. I would like to send a special prayer to her and thank her for opening her heart to Ladybelle and so many other bulldogs in need with Southern California Bulldog Rescue.

Current Ladybelle sponsors will have their sponsorships transferred to another bulldog in need with SCBR.

RIP beautiful girl

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RIP sweet girl you are pain free now and can romp and play with all the other bullies that have crossed the Rainbow Bridge before you.
image.jpgimage.jpgAww so sad, but glad she got to live her last days in a loving foster home. RIP sweet girl, you can run and play at the Rainbow Bridge, and be free of pain and sickness.
I am so sad about this Beauty passing. But LadyBelle is free from that horrible disease cancer. She is at Rainbow Bridge waiting for her foster Mom to come and join her one day. Thank You Marti for fostering this Beautiful Lady. LOL sending your way.
Rest in peace sweet girl...
RIP LadyBelle...Rainbow bridge is a good place, only us left behind feel the pain.
Rip are now pain free little girl...
Run free sweet girl. Thank you to everyone who helped make her last months good.

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