
I'm not OCD....now who moved my bulldog?
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Community Veteran
Jul 28, 2011
Gilbertsville, PA
Bulldog(s) Names
Chelios (Frenchie), Cubby (Frenchie) Nitschke (2004-2011) Banks (2005-2014) and Lambeau (2014-2024)
Sorry a little late, but work has been busier than I can ever rememebre.

The boys are still doing great... annual wellness check went great! Our vet is thrilled that we switched to raw and said he can see the benefits..

We are fully on duck at this time, but thinking about trying the rabbit next month. The boys environmental allergies are starting to kick in, but nothing major at all. Little dirty ears and some mucus/congestion. Still feeding twice per day at 5:00 AM and 5:00 PM

-- we lessened his breakfast to 1/2 cup and dinner is 2/3 cup.
-- he has gained two pounds (62 lbs) up four pounds since we started raw back in December.
-- his seasonal flank alopecia is still not showing up, but I'm watching for any changes.
-- still no improvement in is his folds... one eye still constantly runs, vet checked and there is nothing going on with lashes or eye. I stopped using all candles and oils which is usually a cinnamon/clove scent still -- no change.


-- gets 1/3 cup at each meal
-- he is holding at 25 lbs
-- he does on occasion get a little regurgitation, but noting major and not consistent. I cut him back to 2 tablespoons of raw goats milk this week to see if it helps.

We have still not added any other treats into the diet.... they get Stella and Chewy duck meal toppers as potty/training treats (training never stops) and raw marrow bones on Saturday nights.

I'll continue to keep you posted... spring/summer I'm hoping to see some improvement with allergies, but right now, not optimistic raw can make a difference... Lambeau is allergic to everything green.. grass, weeds, trees, soy beans, if it is green,,, it is on the list



Great news! Glad they are doing well! Iā€™m still surprised that Lambeau has gained weight on that amount. I just cut down a little on Louieā€™s food cause his poops were a little soft. Heā€™s due for his wellness next month so curious on his weight.

As you know, Jax is the same with allergies. While raw has helped, he still has issues and still getting Cytopoint.

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Great news! Glad they are doing well! Iā€™m still surprised that Lambeau has gained weight on that amount. I just cut down a little on Louieā€™s food cause his poops were a little soft. Heā€™s due for his wellness next month so curious on his weight.

As you know, Jax is the same with allergies. While raw has helped, he still has issues and still getting Cytopoint.

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Yeah -- I'm seeing Cytopoint in our future
Sometimes too much protein can cause tear staining. I have had great results substituting some of the protein (~1/3) with green ripe.
Great news! Glad they are doing well! Iā€™m still surprised that Lambeau has gained weight on that amount. I just cut down a little on Louieā€™s food cause his poops were a little soft. Heā€™s due for his wellness next month so curious on his weight.

As you know, Jax is the same with allergies. While raw has helped, he still has issues and still getting Cytopoint.

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I ended up getting Cytopoint for Wally too... he's on this third shot, and at least for NOW he finally has stopped getting bad ear infections.

- - - Updated - - -

The boys look GREAT... I'm SO glad that raw is working out for you guys. As soon as my life settles down, I'm planning a food change for my crew.
I ended up getting Cytopoint for Wally too... he's on this third shot, and at least for NOW he finally has stopped getting bad ear infections.

- - - Updated - - -

The boys look GREAT... I'm SO glad that raw is working out for you guys. As soon as my life settles down, I'm planning a food change for my crew.

I have tried so many different things for Jax and Cytopoint has thus far worked the best. And he can go just about 7 weeks in between the shots.
Why not, it looks to be just tripe. Maybe you can soak it in water before adding to their food...
Why not, it looks to be just tripe. Maybe you can soke it in water before adding to their food...

OH CRAP!! I did not even think to soak them... I'll get some today and give it a go
I love the pics!!! They are so precious!
They do look gorgeous and i lOVE following this :)
I've been thinking the duck might be too much for him. But with all the others I tried, he has done best on duck. Tripe is hard to find, I did find freeze dried tripe treats... would they be worth a try? Vital Essentials sells them.. Vital Essentials. Purely raw. Instinctively healthy. Green Bay, WI

I just read an article on raw feeding that stated duck has a lot of fat. It has suggestions as well. I'm thinking of trying raw. Here is the link to the article: Raw Feeding Made Easy: How To Make A Raw Dog Food Diet

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