Other English Bulldog News Sister Communities


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Community Veteran
Jan 28, 2010
Tucson, Arizona
Bulldog(s) Names
The Home of the Desert Sky Pack
For those of you who love English Bulldog News, you should also check out our 'sister forums'!

Taste Tested Recipes ( http://tastetestedrecipes.com )

We were sharing so many recipes on English Bulldog News we thought we needed a forum of it's own! Join in the fun, and if you post 25 recipes/posts you will get a food fanatic membership for FREE!! (similar to EBN's 4 Paw Membership)

We also have monthly contests for the recipes of the month, with awards like we do here on EBN. Join us today because I am hungry and want to try some new recipes! :gimmefood:

Pets Can Talk, Too! ( http://petscantalktoo.com )

We thought it would be fun to take on the identity of your pet, post as your pet, and share as your pet! Come join in our brand new forum where the main idea is to have a little witty fun and laughter. When you take on the identity of your pet, you can give them their own unique personality!
Chanel our Pitbull is on Pets Can Talk too! She was jealous Brutus has EBN :)
ohhhhhhhhhh, people recipes :) I like that too! so, do we register there all new or use our stuff from here..
ohhhhhhhhhh, people recipes :) I like that too! so, do we register there all new or use our stuff from here..

registar new... you can use same screen name if you want to make it easier for you

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