Oh, hell NO!!!!!!


I couldn't make this sh*t up if I tried!
Jul 21, 2010
Bradenton Fl.
Bulldog(s) Names
Given Vegas some lovins on the floor tonight, layen there scratching his butt, and belly, he is loveing it!!! He stands up and looks deeply in my eyes, saying I so love you mom, and I start laughing, then......... He sneezes!!!!!! sending GALLONS of SNOT in my mouth!!!!!!!!!:w00t::barf: I had to go and do a shot of Jager to hopefully kill all the bacteria!!!! Made me very nausous, Joe was laughing his butt off and I said, "don't talk about it or I will get sick" EEwwwww:barf:
That's Love..........Bully style :ROFL:
LOL [MENTION=2092]JAKEISGREAT[/MENTION] this is not the first time nor will it be the last!! It just really grosses me out! I have digested more snot from Vegas than I have raising two boys!!!! EEeewwww!!!!!!
Bahahaha that's hilarious... I get that from time to time from lexter
:ROFL: I bet Joe was giving Vegas a High-Five while you were fetching your shot :)
:lmao: I have never ingested snot from my kids, so I gotta ask you to elaborate.... how did that happen? Only from my bullies!!
actually [MENTION=410]Telly03[/MENTION] I did a few!!! I will now log off.....I am feeling them!!
[MENTION=2]desertskybulldogs[/MENTION], I really have never ingested snot from my skin-kid boys, but I have had a face full of pee and caught poo in my hands when they were babies, ONLY Vegas gets the honor os sneezing sending snot down my mouth and throat, more than once!!!! AGAIN EEwwww!!!!!
LOL Oh too funny, only a bully would do such a thing!!!! I have gotten the snot spray in the face quite a few times but never in my mouth, ewwwww! Poor Kelly! And I dig your method of bacteria killing :yes: gotta love jager!
Never have been sneezed on in my mouth. My little cousin puked in my mouth before when he was a baby. I was holding him up over my head saying something to him and out comes his puke... right in my mouth!!!:barf:

Now I've been farted on millions of times!
Given Vegas some lovins on the floor tonight, layen there scratching his butt, and belly, he is loveing it!!! He stands up and looks deeply in my eyes, saying I so love you mom, and I start laughing, then......... He sneezes!!!!!! sending GALLONS of SNOT in my mouth!!!!!!!!!:w00t::barf: I had to go and do a shot of Jager to hopefully kill all the bacteria!!!! Made me very nausous, Joe was laughing his butt off and I said, "don't talk about it or I will get sick" EEwwwww:barf:

Had to do shot of jager....like there was no other alternative ;) :rofl: and unfortunately i have digested many warm snots from my guinness, not the most endearing thing
I think she just needed an excuse to hit the jager.:ROFL: Lucy Lu does thet to me and usually right after I get out of the shower and sitting on the couch she will come up to me and want some love'n and sneeze right in my face. Bullies, gotta love'em
What I cannot stand is how SALTY it seems to taste!!! :blah:

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