NuVet Supplement


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Community Veteran
Jan 28, 2010
Tucson, Arizona
Bulldog(s) Names
The Home of the Desert Sky Pack

Order NuVet using THIS LINK Order code: 1101106
Call 1-800-474-7044
Give Order Code: 1101106
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I have been personally using NuVet Plus supplement now for five years. Before I copy and paste all the great ingredients and the benefits of each ingredient, I would like to tell you first hand how much I love NuVet Plus, and more importantly, why.

Those who know me, know I am a freak when it comes to English Bulldogs and their nutrition. What goes into your bulldogs mouth is the most important choice you can make as an owner! Healthy digestion and good beneficial bacteria are two of the key factors in raising a healthy, happy bulldog.

I literally never go to the vet, (knock on wood!) except for annual check ups! I attribute this to all I have learned by reading on English Bulldog News each day, one of the best advice I learned was about food and nutrition. When I discovered NuVet four years ago, I was impressed by the ingredients and the testimonials I read. So I gave it a try.

I was happy with it and began giving it to my bulldogs.... but many times I would forget. Once I started home cooking I decided I better make sure they are getting full nutrition, so I got a lot better at giving them their NuVet on a more timely manner.

Since then, I discovered how much they absolutely love them! I took it to a whole new level by using it as a high value treat for their daily once over of checking wrinkles and wiping their face. Now they sit pretty for me while I do their daily face wipe and literally let me do just about anything to them. Before they would run and hide under the table or under the bed. Now I break it in half and they get half for letting me do it, the other half as a reward after we are done. Once this became a part of our daily routine I noticed a huge improvement in their overall look, their coats look beautiful and they have wonderful aura about them.

I decided to give NuVet a bit more investigation at this point. :detective: Especially when other people brought up some great questions to me.

I found out some great information about it in my search, so I would like to share this with you!

  • Made in the USA! No ingredients from China! Thank you! This is VERY important to me.
  • 15% off if you sign up for the auto ship program, and you of course, can cancel at any time.
  • Don't like it? Money back guarantee!
  • Has natural antihistamine, (cat's claw) which is why so many bulldog seem to do so well on it.
  • Is approximately the same cost per day as a good, high value treat- but with the benefits of giving something truly healthy!
  • Helps puppies develop: A Strong immune system
  • Helps puppies develop: A Healthy Heart, Lungs, Liver, and Kidneys
  • Helps puppies develop: Healthy Nerves, Muscles, and Connective Tissue
  • Helps adults with: Proper Vitamin and Antioxidant Intake
  • Helps adults with: Complete Mineral Balance
  • Helps adults with: Tear stains and allergy problems
  • Helps adults with: Healthy Metabolism of Proteins, Fats, and Carbohydrates
  • Helps adults with: A Strong Immune System
  • Helps adults with: Resistance to Disease
  • Helps adults with: Healthy Joints and Mobility, Proper Organ and Nerve Function

In the summer of 2014, I decided to become a full time representative for NuVet so I could continue to share my love for this product, and now I am planning my first booth at a pet show. So that is my NuVet story!

Click Here To View Immunity Gap Brochure

Order NuVet using THIS LINK Order code: 1101106
Call 1-800-474-7044 with Order Code: 1101106


Alfalfa (Canine formula only)
Alpha Amylase
Beta Carotene
Blue Green Algae
Brewer's Yeast
Cat's Claw
Desiccated Liver
Evening Primrose Oil
L Methionine (Canine formula only)
Oyster Shell
Potassium (Citrate)
Selenium (Yeast)
Shark Cartilage
Taurine (Feline formula only)
Vitamin C
Vitamin E
Whey Protein (Feline formula only)
Zinc, Dipeptide Chelate


Alfalfa (Canines only) is known as the "King of Plants", and its' roots have been used for centuries in many cultures. The herb belongs to the legume family, closely related to beans and peas. Alfalfa is an excellent source of vitamins D, E and K, beta-carotene, minerals, fiber, chlorophyll, calcium, proteins and fats. It is especially rich in the amino acid trypophane. It is considered to be a very nutritious herb, and is used to increase appetite, alleviate certain allergic reactions and help poor digestion. It may also reduce the inflammation due to arthritis and rheumatism.

Alpha Amylase

Alpha Amylase is a soluble fiber digestant. We believe NuVet Plusā„¢ is the finest pet supplement available, however it must be able to be digested as efficiently as possible. Alpha Amylase creates the means, by which the ingredients will be absorbed into the body as rapidly as possible without diminishing NuVet Plusā„¢' powerful antioxidant capabilities.

Beta Carotene

Beta Carotene is converted into Vitamin A in the body. Vitamin A is essential to skeletal growth, testicular and ovarian function, embryonic development and differentiation of tissues. It is crucial for the formal functioning of the eyes and possible reduction of cataracts. Studies have shown the use of Beta Carotene reduces cancerous tumors in animals.

Blue Green Algae

Blue Green Algae is nature's most basic food. Existing at the beginning of the food chain, it provides nutrition in its simplest form. Blue Green Algae has a greater amount of protein than any other whole food. It provides the essential nutrients for the health of the physical body, and the smooth operation of the brain and nervous system. Blue Green Algae is a very rich chlorophyll source and has been shown to enhance the health of the entire body, strengthen the immune system, promote intestinal regularity and the healing of wounds, boosts hemoglobin production and helps purify the blood. The trace minerals found in blue green algae are Boron, Calcium, Chlorine, Chromium, Cobalt, Copper, Fluorine, Geranium, Iodine, Iron, Magnesium, Maganese, Molybdenum, Nickel, Phosphorus, Potassium, Silicon, Sodium, Tin, Titanium, Vanadium, and Zinc.

Brewer's Yeast

Brewer's Yeast is a balanced natural source of B-Complex vitamins. (See Desiccated Liver) Studies show that another beneficial effect of brewers yeast supplementation is that it significantly reduces the number of fleas.

Cat's Claw

Cat's Claw, also known as Una de Gato, is an ancient herb, found in the rain forest of Peru. This singular and wild woody vine is known for its amazing healing properties and has been used by native people for centuries. Research in different countries including Germany, Austria, England, and Hungary has shown that Cats Claw can stimulate the immune system and may help in the treatment of diseases including cancer, AIDS, viral or respiratory infections, allergies, arthritis and rheumatism.

Desiccated Liver

Desiccated Liver contains B-Complex vitamins. Vitamin B1 helps the body metabolize carbohydrates and is known to strengthen the nervous system. Vitamin B2 helps in digesting and assimilating fats, proteins and carbohydrates. It is essential for proper enzyme formation, normal growth and tissue formation. B3 is believed to promote good physical and mental health. It helps the body produce cortisone, insulin and female and male hormones. Vitamin B5 is found in every living cell in the body. It helps with digestion and producing various hormones. Vitamin B6 is essential for proper chemical balance in the body and helps convert fats and proteins into useful energy. B6 is required to help produce red blood cells. Vitamin B9 is important to the entire nervous system. Iron, found in liver, is a necessary metal required to combat anemia and to maintain healthy blood values. B12 maintains the health of all body cells by production of nucleic acid. It also helps preserve nerve tissue and enhances blood formation and the production of DNA and RNA.

Evening Primrose Oil

Evening Primrose Oil is high in gamma linolenic acid (GLA) an essential polyunsaturated fatty acid that is converted into prostaglandin. Evening Primrose Oil is a digestive stimulant, and decreases the tendency of the blood to clot. Recent studies have shown it to be of value in the management of arthritis and rheumatism as well as exhibiting significant clinical improvements in certain skin diseases.

L Methionine

L Methionine (Canines only) is an essential amino acid that is not synthesized by the body and must be obtained from food or supplements. It improves the tone and pliability of the skin, conditions the hair and strengthens nails. The mineral sulfur, found in airborne pollutants, such as smog, slows down the aging process in the cells, and is involved with the production of protein. L Methionine is essential for the absorption and transportation and bio-availability of selenium and zinc in the body. It also acts as a lipotropic agent to prevent excess fat buildup in the liver, and can help reduce fatigue and may be useful in some cases of allergy because it reduces histamine release. Recent studies show methionine deficiencies may be associated with the development of age related cataracts, and supplements may delay their development.

Deficiencies in L Methionine have shown to slow growth in children, cause low levels of essential proteins in the blood, edema, liver damage, loss of muscle and fat, skin lesions and weakness.

Oyster Shell

Oyster Shell is extremely rich in calcium, the major constituent of the structural framework of bones. Practically every cell in the body, notably those in the heart, nerves, and muscles, rely on calcium to function properly. Some experts recommend higher levels of calcium in order to prevent bone loss. The heart requires calcium to maintain a normal beat, muscles need it for contraction and relaxation, and calcium is essential for blood to clot, and for the nervous system to function properly.

Over time, if not enough calcium is consumed, the body takes calcium from the bones to keep the heart and muscles working properly, This process will gradually weaken the bones until they break more easily.


Papain is one of the most powerful plant enzymes, and is a catalytic agent that will act in protein digestion. Papain helps to cleanse the tissues and intestinal walls of all waste matter in the form of excessive mucus and dead tissue. It is harmless to living tissue and is a must for maintenance of health in the intestinal tract. This unique ability of papain to break down protein and to convert a portion of it into arginine is extremely important, because arginine in its natural form has been found to influence the production of the human growth hormone of HGH. HGH is produced in the pituitary gland and is directly responsible for DNA and RNA replication as well as synthesis in liver, muscle, cartilage and adipose tissues. HGH helps to increase muscle tone and decrease the amount of body fat. Arginine has also been found to inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells in test tube studies.

Pine Bark

Pine Bark, also known as Proanthocyanidid has the ability to inhibit the activity of certain enzymes, which cause inflammation, and they function as a formidable, highly potent antioxidant (free radical scavenger). The proanthocyanidids in pine bark has been shown, in clinical studies, to be 20 times more effective than Vitamin C and 50 times more effective than Vitamin E as an antioxidant.

Pine Bark (Proanthocyanidid) helps relieve the pain and symptoms of osteoarthritis, arthritis, rheumatism and rheumatic fever. It has been shown to reduce histamine production, thereby helping the lining of arteries resist attack by the mutagens that cause cardiovascular disease. In this way capillary integrity is restored, circulation is improved and it becomes easier for each cell to get the nutrients needed to function optimally.

Pine Bark's (Proanthocyanidid) remarkable ability to "seek and destroy" free radicals is a tremendous boon to health. By reducing oxidative damage to cells and vital tissue, what we recognize as aging: stiff joints, wrinkled skin, problems with degenerative diseases such as arthritis, circulatory disorders, diabetes, heart disease, etc., is held to a subdued rate. What's more, unlike virtually all other dietary antioxidants, proanthocyanidids, readily crosses the blood brain barrier to protect vital brain and nerve tissue from oxidation.

Potassium (Citrate)

Potassium (Citrate) is important for the proper functioning of muscles, including the heart. Potassium is a crucial regulator of the amount of water in cells, which determines their ability to function properly. It helps in the transmission of nerve impulse, and is a buffer for body fluids and catalyzes the release of energy from carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.

Symptoms of Potassium deficiency include weakness, paralysis, low blood pressure, and irregular or rapid heartbeat that can lead to cardiac arrest and death. The loss of potassium ions can cause the body cells to function less effectively and eventually die.

Selenium (Yeast)

Selenium (Yeast) is an essential trace mineral found in the soil in its inorganic form. Plants and microorganisms convert selenium to naturally organic forms.

In recent studies selenium yeast was proven effective in producing consistent elevations of blood selenium concentrations in a large-scale human intervention trial, supported by the National Cancer Institute

Selenium supplements may help protect against cancers of the lung, colon, rectum, and prostate. (The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). 12/24/96)

Larry C. Clark, M.P.H., Ph.D., from the Arizona Cancer Center, College of Medicine, University of Arizona, Tucson, studied the effectiveness of selenium supplementation for preventing cancers and for reducing cancer mortality. These results indicate that when all cancers were studied, the selenium group had a 37 percent reduction in cancer incidence and a 50 percent reduction in cancer mortality.

Shark Cartilage

Shark Cartilage contains collagen and glycosaminoglycans. This combination makes shark cartilage a powerful anti-inflammatory wound-healing agent that is non-toxic and has no known side effects. It is also an effective substance against bacteria, virus and fungal infections, which stimulates the cellular and humoral components of our immune system.

There have been numerous studies demonstrating that shark cartilage shrinks some cancerous tumors, including those unaffected by standard treatments. To grow, a tumor must establish its own blood vessel network for nourishment. Like all other living things, if the tumor is denied nourishment it will die. Studies performed at Massachusetts Institute of Technology have shown that Shark cartilage contains a protein that impedes the formation of blood vessels to tumors.


Taurine (Felines only) is one of the most abundant amino acids in the body. It is found in the central nervous system, skeletal muscle and is very concentrated in the brain and heart.

Taurine therapy is used in the treatment of ischemic heart disease. Low taurine and magnesium levels have been found after heart attacks. Supplements decrease the tendency to develop potentially lethal abnormal arrhythmia after heart attacks.

Another role played by taurine is maintaining the correct composition of bile, and in maintaining the solubility of cholesterol. It helps to stabilize cell membranes and seems to have some antioxidant and detoxifying activity. It helps the movement of potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium in and out of cells, which helps generate nerve impulses.

Taurine is necessary for the chemical reactions that produce normal vision, and deficiencies are associated with retinal degeneration and age-related cataracts.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is essential for the formation of collagen and fibrous tissue; for normal intercellular matrices in teeth, bones, cartilage, connective tissue and skin, and for the structural integrity of capillary walls. It aids in fighting bacterial infections, interacts with other nutrients, and has been shown to protect the circulatory system from fat deposits.

Vitamin C is a key factor in many immune functions, including white blood cell function and interferon levels. Due to it's antioxidant properties it combats the effects of free radicals while lowering the risk of cataracts and also promotes growth and tissue repair. A large U.S. survey conducted by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) demonstrated a strong correlation between Vitamin C intake and decreased mortality.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is an essential fat-soluble vitamin that includes eight naturally occurring compounds and each of these compounds exhibits different biological activities. The most widely accepted biological function of vitamin E is related to its antioxidant properties. Vitamin E is the most effective chain-breaking lipid-soluble antioxidant in the biological membrane, where it contributes to membrane stability. It protects critical cellular structures against damage from oxygen free radicals.

Deficiencies in Vitamin E may lead to reproductive failure, nutritional "muscular dystrophy", hemolytic anemia, and neurological and immunological abnormalities.

Recent research has shown Vitamin E, through its antioxidant properties, can significantly improve immune responses and reduced the risk for coronary heart disease.

Whey Protein

Whey Protein (Felines only) The importance of protein supplementation (one of the most important nutrients for animals) is critical for building and maintaining muscle mass. Protein has been called "the building blocks of life" and they are involved in virtually every body function. Many of the pet foods lack the digestible protein your pet requires.

Protein deficiency can lead to retarded skeletal and muscle growth, a weak immune system that causes susceptibility to infections and diseases, and also a weakening of the bodies natural defense mechanism that protect against viruses and bacteria.

Zinc, Dipeptide Chelate

Zinc, Dipeptide Chelate (Felines only) is a component of nearly a hundred enzymes involved in major metabolic process, most of which work with the red blood cells to move carbon dioxide from the tissues to the lungs. Zinc functions as an important antioxidant, promotes normal growth and development, aids in wound healing, enhances cell division, repair and growth: maintains normal levels of Bark vitamin A in the blood and helps synthesize DNA and RNA.

Zinc deficiencies have been linked to prostatic hypertrophy, cancer, and slow recovery from head injuries, diabetes, arthritis and reduced immune system processes.

NuVet LabsĀ® is dedicated to providing the finest in nutritional supplements for pets. 8 years of painstaking research and development brought about their ground-breaking formulas that have been created by a team of top pet industry scientists, veterinarians and formulators with one goal in mind:

"To make the highest quality nutritional pet supplement on the market today and to ensure that our product will fight diseases at their core while providing the ingredients vital to sustaining health and quality of life for your pets in their years to come."

More than mere vitamins, NuVetĀ® goes beyond industry standards by using only 100% all natural, human grade ingredients that are microscopically tested for purity and potency. We then utilize a FDA approved laboratory for formulation and specially compound using state-of-the-art manufacturing techniques.

Because most pets lack proper nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in their diet, even when they are getting the top of the line food, NuVetĀ® scientists understood the necessity of filling this dangerous gap. Commercial pet foods can contain harmful ā€œby-productsā€ and useless fillers that can be toxic to pets, causing allergies and serious diseases. This kind of atypical diet creates a scenario whereby their food may actually be creating unstable oxygen molecules known as Free Radicals. These free radicals have been shown to be a cause for a wide range of health problems including heart disease, arthritis, cataracts, premature aging and many differentforms of cancer.

Take a look at our products and see for yourself why weā€™ve been on the forefront of pet health for over 14 years. NuVetĀ® formulations have been studied by numerous Universities who have discovered that our ingredients and exceptional compounding properties are designed to fight illnesses at their root source and strengthen immune systems to keep pets strong and healthy.
NuVet PlusĀ®

At NuVet LabsĀ® we know that a major cause for the ill health of our beloved pets is the lack of proper nutrition with their diets. This is the main reason we developed NuVet PlusĀ®. NuVet PlusĀ® is the culmination of 8 years of research and development, formulated with the goal of creating a nutrient formula that would go beyond mere vitamin replenishment. The supplement is instead a full-spectrum nutritional supplement that focuses on the root cause of illness and disease while simultaneously boosting your petā€™s immune system and overall health.

Todayā€™s pet foods, even so-called premium brands, can contain toxins, bad bacteria and even poisons. Almost all use ā€œmeat by-productsā€; that is an industry term for anything other than meat. Much of the rest are fillers like corn, wheat and barley; prime sources for allergies, skin problems and other more serious ailments. These ingredients are not regulated by any authority which means they are often tainted with disease causing pathogens.

Our team of pet industry scientists, vets and medical specialists created NuVet PlusĀ® to be a high quality product that incorporates a precise formula of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, herbs and antioxidants that performs synergistically to bring together all the vital ingredients required to improve your petā€™s health and keep them healthy. NuVet PlusĀ® is made using only 100% All-Natural, Human Grade ingredients that are formulated in a FDA Approved Pharmaceutical Laboratory. We use a special ā€œpaddle driedā€, whole chicken liver that provides vitamin potency as well as a taste your pet will love.

All NuVetĀ® ingredients are compounded to maintain their integrity and bio-digestibility for complete cellular infusion. Check out our full Ingredient list and descriptions to understand how these crucial elements can help your pet overcome illnesses, allergies and diseases and help them maintain a quality life full of good health, vigor and vitality.

Order NuVet using THIS LINK Order code: 1101106
Call 1-800-474-7044 with Order Code: 1101106

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This I will try for my next bullie, but it is not recommended for bullies with urate stones (like my Usko), bc of vitamin C and high purine alfalfa and brewer's yeast.
My first bully came from the vet on this supplement as a puppy, and the mother had been on it throughout pregnancy as well, so we continued. The vet told us it was redundant with the high quality food that we used (Instinct). So we quit with the NuVet when he was about 1. Then we got a second bulldog from the same breeder when our first was about 1 1/2, with the new puppy on NuVet. So we started our first on it again. I was amazed at the difference it made in him! They are 5 and 3 1/2 now, and we've had them on NuVet since we got the second. We do all of the normal bathing, fold care, paw care, etc, but they are not tremendously itchy or yeasty, nor do they have stomach or allergy issues (or gas!), and I just have to believe that the NuVet is a positive addition to their overall health! I'm now looking to find a different food, to help even more with yeast issues that seemed to flourish this summer! Plus we had a bad bag of Instinct (they had a recall this summer - not sure this flavor was included, but it was definitely BAD when my dogs turned their noses up at FOOD!), and I think there may be better options out there. But NuVet we will continue with. Just my 2 cents!
I also use Nuvet and so far love it. Tuni absolutely loves the tablets, she likes them better then her treats :)
Hi, My name is Susan Moore (My Otis) I will be getting an English Bulldog Puppy 4mo. old in Oct. Can I start giving him Nuvet right away, or do I have to wait until he is a certain age? Do I give him Nuvet every day. Thank You, Susan Moore
Hi, My name is Susan Moore (My Otis) I will be getting an English Bulldog Puppy 4mo. old in Oct. Can I start giving him Nuvet right away, or do I have to wait until he is a certain age? Do I give him Nuvet every day. Thank You, Susan Moore

Yes you can, I actually start my pups on it when the are weaning :)

Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk :)
Love this stuff. My breeder recommended it and wow, my older Bully has limited her allergic reactions since she has been on it.......:dancing::dancing::dancing::dancing:
I have been using NuVet for several weeks now, and I bought the joint supplement for my 9 year old Boxer. All I can say is WOW... my boxer is running around like a new pup, and I've noticed Winston's allergies seem to be getting a lot better!!! Thanks for the tip [MENTION=2]desertskybulldogs[/MENTION]
I have been using NuVet for several weeks now, and I bought the joint supplement for my 9 year old Boxer. All I can say is WOW... my boxer is running around like a new pup, and I've noticed Winston's allergies seem to be getting a lot better!!! Thanks for the tip [MENTION=2]desertskybulldogs[/MENTION]

I am so glad to hear it Tracey! It is so great to hear good news especially when it helps others and their bullies! :up:
I tried to order Nu Vet Plus, it keeps telling me I need a code. Lisa what are they talking about? How can I order this for my Puppy I will be getting this month. Thank You, Susan Moore (My Otis)
I tried to order Nu Vet Plus, it keeps telling me I need a code. Lisa what are they talking about? How can I order this for my Puppy I will be getting this month. Thank You, Susan Moore (My Otis)

The same thing happened to me too Susan... I ended up calling the 1-800 number and I could either order it over the phone, or they will give you a code. Not sure why you can't just order online w/out the code :confused:
EBN has a code, let me find out what it is.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free
It's 1101106 :up:

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free
Howie has been on it since he was 6 months old. He looks forward to it every day. Nuvet makes his fur so soft.

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