Now THIS feels right!!


New member
Mar 30, 2010
Bulldog(s) Names
For a while we have been looking for a 3rd fur kid. There were a few times that I thought I had found the right dog, but it never worked out.

Till now.

I don't even know where to start. Early this summer my sisters half pitbull and half boxer had a litter of puppies with a friends boxer. I really wanted a puppy but it just wasn't the right time for a puppy. I even had one picked that I really liked. My niece ended up keeping him.

Fast forward to almost seven months. My niece is getting the "leave the nest syndrome" She knows that she can't really move out with a 7 month puppy.

So long story short, I get asked if I would like to take the puppy. Darn right I will! Things are finally sorting themselves out at home and the lil voice in my head was cheering me along.

He's perfect.

Meet Mater Lee

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He's grown SO MUCH since I baby sat him! He towers over Sadie now and just ADORES her! Jay actually got a bit jealous that Mater was so interested in Sadie, and she LOVED the chance to tee off, ears held as high as she could!!

But after she was old news the games began. At first it was all three of them dashing around the yard and wrestling, but Sadie tuckered out before the boy's hour was up. After that we went for a walk and they played for another half hour or so.

I was TIRED, having been running on 5 hours of sleep. I ended up crashing out waiting for the dishwasher to finish and slept for an hour. There wasn't a single mess, accident or item out of place around the house! I find that quite wonderful as my sister had said the little guy was tied outside during most of the day while my they were at work and school.


Jess Harris's Photos | Facebook

He's such a good boy and is behaving like gold. I'm so happy I said yes. My only regret is I only have two hands!!

Jess Harris's Photos | Facebook
He's so cute!! :heart:

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