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Belle's Mom

New member
Oct 10, 2010
Whittier, NC
Bulldog(s) Names
First of all I am so GRATEFUL that I have found this forum. I have had my bulldog for 3 months. When I first got her at 6 months of age, she was on Purina Puppy Chow. When I took her in for her first vet exam, the vet suggested that I put her on something better. She explained how I need to get her on something that is low grain, healthy, full of vitamins etc .. She recommended Blue Buffalo (which she sells in office). I put her on it slowly and we have had nothing but problems since. Each time I take her in, the Vet tells me that the food is great but that Belle may be switching too quickly. We have had a month of roller coaster bowl movements from hard hard to liquid. Today Belle is again suffering with very very loose bowls to the point where she is dreading to go outside. I am done with this dog food. I have read a lot of good things about Fromm here and I want to try her on Surf and Turf. I have also read that I would need to mix the old with the new. As of right now, I have had to give Belle pumpkin and get her on rice and boiled hamburger. I want to do this until her stool is back to normal. When I start the new food, I don't want to mix the old Blue Buffalo in with the new because she will start the diarrhea all over again. My question is - how do I introduce the new food from a bland diet? The old food is the issue. I need to get her on the Fromm to see if that makes the difference but I don't want to start off on the same foot and start with diarrhea all over again. I am so scared I am not doing the right things for Belle. Even though the Purina was what she was use to at the beginning, I don't want to have to go back to it. Anyone with any suggestions would be appreciated.
Try giving her canned pumpkin. Make sure there are NO spices in it. Now's the time to stock up on the stuff.
Hi Belle's mom, welcome.

I have a little story to tell. I ran out of dog food.... :eek: thinking the feed store was open.... it was a while ago so I don't really remember details. But I did not know what to do so I put them on Rice & Hamburger for dinner & breakfast. I had to get a diff dog food cuz they were out of my brand.

So, was I ever surprised that the bland diet actually 'cleared out' the system. I fed them this diet for 2 days, then one day of half (new brand) dog food, half rice then just dog food the next day. The surprise was I did not get any tummy issues with any of my bullies- AT ALL! Not even my 'no good at switching foods' Jesse Mrs. Gassy Pants.

So I can only say this worked for my from my own experience. You can try it and see how it works.

I am wondering if there is not another problem tho- did they test for all issues with a fecal? I can tell you this- if you still have diarrhea on Fromm there may be another issue going on.... cuz my bullies have major tootsie rolls here. Some of them are rock solid on their way OUT! LOL
i think its just the food cause i noticed a few times that lex would have the runs ever so often and he was on blue buffalo... i just figured the girls had given him something that did it to him.. well ever since we switched foods to bil jac they have been hard and no runs yet!!!!
I was going to say the same thing as desertsky. There is always an experience here to answer your questions huh? :D Good luck with the switch! Be sure to get before and after pics to add to the before and after page.
GOOD NEWS!!! The switch went well and so far has worked well. When I first posted this, Belle was having diarrhea and then vomiting. I checked and the Blue Buffalo that I used was not on the recall list but I stopped it all immediately. I wanted to go with Fromm Surf and Turf and went to the website to find out who had it. There were not many people with 100 miles who did have it. If they did, they did not have the Surf and Turf for dogs, only for cats. Anyway, I found a store about 45 min from my home that has all natural dog foods so I mad the trip there. I looked at all the foods that she carried and I became impressed with one called Orijen. I went ahead and got a 15lb bag of it to try it out with Belle. Yesterday was the first day. I mixed it with rice and this morning her bowl movements were NORMAL!!! This morning Belle had no issues eating the food and has been playing all morning. I can't believe the change in her behavior alone. I did take some pics for the before/after page. I am not sure how long to wait to see how the new food does with her but so far, so good. Thank you all for your help.
Wait until you see what she looks like in a week! You will be surprised. Take some after photos in a couple of weeks, and keep us posted.

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