New to EBNF!!


New member
Oct 1, 2011
Los Angeles
Bulldog(s) Names
Gordis, Khalisie and a frenchy named Fry
I've looked around for a bit today since I found this great site looking for alternate dog food. Any how I noticed everyone loves pics of bull dogs here and I thought that I should post my fav first pic on this site and it would be of a found memory I will never forget.My first bulldog Gordis and my two year old nephew, who do you think did it??. I know it's a cliche but this picture says a thousand words!! Lol Their expressions are priceless!!
Hmmmm I think it was the cat....

Welcome! The pic is too cute!
Great picture! Too cute! When my nephew was two he managed to pour a gallon of milk into my aquarium. I could only see the fish as they swam close to the glass. Haha! Don't worry I cleaned it right away and the fish still survived it! Welcome to EBN. :)
:welcome: yep, definitely the cat! Priceless!
Welcome to EBN. Please tell us more about your "family". Look forward to seeing more pix as well. :)
Welcome and its a great pic.
I agree with [MENTION=2]desertskybulldogs[/MENTION] and [MENTION=1034]BruceP[/MENTION] it was definitely that pesky cat again :rofl:I just love that they are both telling you silently that it wasn't them :welcome: to EBN xx
Welcome and your right we love pictures!! I think you are going to find all your questions answered here. Keep bringing on those priceless pictures!!!
:welcome: to EBN, you're new home away from home. Fantastic picture but I think both of them are totally innocent, that's why they have the expression, they have no idea what happened. :lol:
hello and welcome to ebn. yes that picture is great. i just love the looks they have. well browse around and post away. :D
Welcome and enjoy the site. lots of info on here, and thanks for the pic, and it's always the cat. :tease:
Welcome to EBN. That picture is classic!!
Welcome, your photo is adorable, thank you for sharing, glad you found us.

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