New puppy........Mayhem


May 10, 2013
Bulldog(s) Names
I am new to the forum and I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Cyndi and I just received a new bulldog puppy as a Mother's Day gift and we have aptly named him Mayhem. I am in love <3 Unfortunately, my existing Shih Tzu, Chewy is not impressed so far. Any recommendations on how to make this transition easier with the new puppy and our existing, very spoiled, Shih Tzu?

By the way, I have been reading the information on the forum when preparing for the arrival of our new family member and I have learned so much. Thank you all who contribute!
:smileywelcome: to EBN, Cindi! We just got a puppy with an older one in the house... We've had the puppy two weeks and the older one is being very tolerant. I think it just takes time.. Thanx for joining but we reeeeeeaaaallllyyy need LOTS of pix.. LOL Have fun and jump right in.
Welcome! It could take a few weeks for your shitzu to accept mayhem isn't going anywhere.

Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk :)
Thanks for the advice and the warm welcomes. We do try and make sure that Chewy has some alone time. More than anything, he acts scared of Mayhem, as he is a rather aggressive little guy.
I am new to the forum and I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Cyndi and I just received a new bulldog puppy as a Mother's Day gift and we have aptly named him Mayhem. I am in love <3 Unfortunately, my existing Shih Tzu, Chewy is not impressed so far. Any recommendations on how to make this transition easier with the new puppy and our existing, very spoiled, Shih Tzu?

By the way, I have been reading the information on the forum when preparing for the arrival of our new family member and I have learned so much. Thank you all who contribute!

First of all Welcome Cyndi & Mayhem, and Mayhem is the perfect name for a bully :yes:

Cyndi, this is my opinion only, and may not hold the same opinion as the rest of the site, That said, I've read books on the subject, and they were dead on I've found in my few situations of doing this.

First of all Chewy is the older of the two, and has established the home first, and then you've introduced Mayhem into the same home. Chewy is not impressed because He has nominated himself Alpha dog, First, #1, owner, king and sole proprietor of all that is within his kingdom. This is the part that has worked out great for me, Chewy will assume the ultimate babysitting role, In helping to teach manners, and etiquette, Will seem quite ill towards Mayhem, but quite gentle between themselves in their language. You'll be worried about supplying Love, care, toys, food etc to the home, Chewy will be more worried in supplying manners to Mayhem, Chewy will take all that you've taught him, and pass that on to Mayhem. If you will handle your part, and allow Chewy to handle his part. Chewy will first of all teach Mayhem that he is Alpha Dog by dominating Mayhem, Things to look for is chin and jaw over the top of mayhem, growling in a viscous tone, Chewy is just letting mayhem know in a stern voice that he's doing wrong, like a mother scorning her child, this is okay, and you shouldn't interfere with this, Chewy will put Mayhem on the fast track pace of learning properly if you will allow Chewy to do so. Sometimes your going to feel Chewy is being to possessive, to stern, too mean, Please, Please, have faith in Chewy, as Chewy is assuming that older brother, older sister role that your children assume in watching baby brother/sister. They really should have met on neutral territory then been introduced together to the home as sharing, But for a puppy, it's not significantly a problem. If you have a little trust in Chewy, faith, Chewy will be a great help in helping you get the puppy acclimated to living in the house. You may even see Chewy (this part is hard) jump at Mayhem, hold him down, Growl at him, even snap at him, Please just allow Chewy to assume her role, you may not have seen why Chewy did what he/she did, but assume she seen something/or bad behavior that was unacceptable to you and your home, and is correcting the problem in pet language. The more you allow Chewy to do, the less you will have to do. Chewy will help you in potty training your new puppy by showing him what to do when you go outside, when chewy uses the bathroom, praise chewy as you normally would, and allow Mayhem to see it. Mayhem is learning from watching, and will be anxiously awaiting his praise, which will come in time. Chewy will help direct his chewing in the right areas, on toys rather than furniture, During this time your going to see what you would normally think is bad behavior, or unacceptable attitudes or just out right jealousy (Being unimpressed) behavior coming from Chewy, Please sit back and allow Chewy to be the Alpha dog. Your going to think at times, every time Mayhem moves he gets growled at, but what your not seeing, is Chewy has actually placed Mayhem in the corner, or is punishing him by grounding him is the term you and I understand, But to Chewy and Mayhem, they interpret their actions totally different. You have a good tool their to use, but your biggest job is not to interfere. You provide love, food, care, toys, and allow Chewy to provide proper etiquette and mannerism for your puppy. If you follow my advice, you'll have two very happy and healthy dogs, if you interfere your going to end up with two nagging, and power hungry pets struggling for Alpha Dog. Please let Chewy be the fur parent and do what she needs to do to remain Alpha, and help in training, like I said it will come a time when you just want to holler and say enough nagging, but if you refrain, your puppy will grow up respecting Chewy, as Alpha, and you and your family, and be on a healthy fast track to learning. IMHO Hope this helps.
Thank you for the very helpful information GoldenRod! We will definitely allow Chewy to control the situation........I just hope that they become good friends in time :-)
Thank you for the very helpful information GoldenRod! We will definitely allow Chewy to control the situation........I just hope that they become good friends in time :-)

Faced with the same situation basically your in now, years ago, I purchased a baby from a backyard breeder, and found the same breeder had a senior that wasn't producing, She was about to have the dog put down, I adopted it. Senior and baby didn't get along for anything, I was faced with getting answers quickly, Having a baby that I always wanted, but a senior I refused to let go of. Asking a breeder, other than where I got the puppy and senior from, as I had lost respect for her, I purchased a book, How the Monks raise dogs, in the time, it was the authority on understanding pet behaviors, Alpha Dog, etc, I read the book non stop, and I let the senior do her job, The senior (Blondie) was a very happy Senior, but the puppy aggravated her to no extent, and was into everything, Blondie took over the situation, every time she nagged, I stood back and said whatever she says goes, She nominated herself as Alpha Dog, The puppy listened to her, They had a very happy, healthy relationship, because I let her take control, Respect was quickly earned by the senior, and I had the best well most mannered puppy anyone could ask for. The flip side to this I also have experience in, in intervening and trying to do it myself, and aggravated at the Alpha dog, found both were struggling for alpha, both fought continuously, both struggled for attention in an attempt to be Alpha, It was a horrible situation, no one was happy! the relationship was not Happy. Your going to feel sorry for Mayhem with Chewy's discipline, But please tell yourself this, Mayhem must have did something I didn't see, and Chewy is setting mayhem straight. I Promise they will get use to each other very well, please show both equal respect, equal time, equal love, your a mother, you know how to do this with kids, and let Chewy set the house rules, Your puppy will grow up respecting the Alpha Dog, and very well mannered. I've heard this question over and over, and I've had the experience in it, You may find this book at Amazon, that deals with the Alpha, its a very good read, one that has changed my feelings towards my pets in an effort to understand them, They really are pack animals, and to every pack your the ultimate leader, but when your not their, allow Chewy to do his part as your backup. You have the ultimate helper!! and I know your probably wondering, Mayhem will be miserable, lol, and this isn't a good situation, But i'm here to tell you, Your in the ideal situation, You have a live in babysitter with Chewy, and show love, respect, equal time, and they will both love you, and Mayhem will find his way in the pack in proper place. His time and place as alpha dog will come one day, but until then he has some learning to do. Bully's are stubborn, Lmbo @ Rocky, the king of stubborn, Chewy is there for the long haul, but has to set the ground rules, They will both be so much happier, healthier relationship, know your in the ideal situation, Don't at all be over whelmed, Your help has arrived in the form of Chewy….. Enjoy, and Love with all you have, and Chewy will always pronounce himself first, ahead of Mayhem, he's the pack leader, and comes in second only to you his master. Enjoy!
Thanks! The name was very fitting! I had a list of possible names before bringing him home......those were all thrown out the window on day two, as he is definitely a ball of energy. Mayhem is approx 9-1/2 weeks :-)

How old is Ramsay?
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