1 week old puppy health problems


New member
Apr 19, 2022
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
El Chapo , Don Pablo , Currensy and Mulaaa
hey yall, my name is Brooke. I am a new EB lover and just recently had my first litter last week . I had 4 healthy pups. My husband has taken time off work and is doing all our whelping . This morning i get a call from him in tears and he states one of our little girls might be sick!!!??? He stated he called our home vet and he told him it could be that her intestines are on the verge of exploding from compaction possibly???? He has my husband going to get some kind of med to possibly help, but the vet did say there is a possibility my puppy could not make it ! Im at work in tears unable to leave . I dont know the name of the medication or the actual dx my vet told my husband it could be. I'm just searching for information and someone to know what the heck I'm talking about . Please write me if you know what I'm speaking of. Im a nervous wreck. :(
Praying for you puppy! Sorry I hae no experience to help
I am actually not familiar with this issue but if you haven't already, please get the puppy to an experienced vet. Unfortunately, there are many times when not all puppies make it. I know many breeders that have lost all or partial litters. It is heartbreaking for sure. Please keep us posted!
I wish I had experience but I do not. I'd see an E-vet ASAP...hoping not too late.

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