Need to Vent....


I couldn't make this sh*t up if I tried!
Jul 21, 2010
Bradenton Fl.
Bulldog(s) Names
I know this is a place to vent so here I go....about 2 months ago at the age of 46 I started menopause, hot flashes, depression, all that goes with menopause. I went to my Dr. who did all the hormone test and yep, sure enough I was. (at 36 I had a hysterectomy, leaving me one overy so my gyno told me I would go early).

So I started a mild antidepressant and hormone replacement medication. This is what has happened in 2 months, I am waking up 4-5 nights a week, SLEEP walking, going into my kitchen and eating everything I can get my hands on!!! I don't realize it until I get up in the morning, at first I knew food was missing, then I would wake up and see food on my counter, floor, sink. I have NEVER did sleep walking in my life!! What I am reading it can be very dangerous, I can actully cook and burn our house down, or I even read where people get in there cars and drive to fast food restaurants :eek:.

I was embarrassed to say anything to my husband at first, now he knows, We just don't know how to stop it. I ate a huge dinner last night of home-made beef, noodles, mashed, corn, rolls...all comfort food and was stuffed, only to wake up this morning and see a LARGE amount of leftovers missing.

Monday I am going to have to call my Dr. this is getting out of control!! One morning I woke up to see Dorito's outside of Vegas's crate where I obviously tried to give him some, I am POSITIVE he did not appreciate the tease of them laying right outside his door while he is locked up!! Again I have NO idea I am doing this. And normally I am a light sleeper hearing everything at night, including Vegas's snoring.

I don't know if anyone else has had anything like this, What did you do about it? I have done research on the issue and it really is an illness Sleep/eating. I just want to vent because I am frustraited and of course putting on weight!!
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Oh no I am so sorry you are going through this... Please make sure you call your Dr Monday....

my mom had dementia/alzhiemers.. I had to booby trap my house so I could know if she was going outside while I was sleeping. We need to come up with something that your hubby can be alerted when you get up.. But he cant startle you I have heard that its not good. Dont know much about sleep/eating but I think with all the members here we can put our heads together and come up with something... I wish you luck..
If you have one ovary, you don't need replacement horomones. At least that that is what my ob told me after my hysterectomy. I have one ovary left and it has a big cyst on it, but he wanted me to keep one for awhile to prevent the pills. The side effects of those pills are crazy. Good luck!!!
OMG I cannot even imagine. We have our middle son who will get up from his bed and go to the couch or sometimes a floor somewhere in the house. Luckily he is just moving his sleeping spot, he does not do anything. We actually laugh about it because he never remembers, and when he sleeps with mom and dad he moves all night long and kicks you and elbows you, he is beyond tossing and turning. So we set our alarm every night just in case he decides the driveway may make a better bed. So I am thinking of some sort of chiming doorbell or alarm system if you leave the bedroom at all. Something that will wake up your hubby.
Uh, I can't imagine. I would definitely talk to your doctor because it sounds like the hormone replacement might be at issue. I had major sleeping issues following a miscarriage because of my hormones and, although I was not raiding the fridge, anytime you are going places in a state of unconscious, it is very dangerous. It turned out that taking birth control (hormones) after my miscarriage to get my cycle back on track was the culprit. I would also echo the other post which suggested since you retained your ovary, you might not need the hormones. My dear friend had a hysterectomy at 29 but retained her ovaries to avoid the need for hormone replacement - so it's something you may want to ask? It's it amazing how hormones can make us crazy?
[MENTION=1046]bulldog family[/MENTION], [MENTION=860]jillh10[/MENTION], [MENTION=2]desertskybulldogs[/MENTION], I was left with one ovary, at 36 so I would not go through menopause then, that has now shut down. My doctor did lab work and it shows that I am not producing any estrogen. I am researching alarms for the fridge and pantry, shouldn't they make them for children? I can not sleep with my bedroom door shut (always been this way, afraid of fire and I would not smell it until it's to late) so I can not put an alarm on my door. I just wanted to sit and cry this morning when I seen all the food missing. My husband and I are at a loss, I told him to chain me to the bed at night (he liked that idea, lol) but what if I wake and have to use the bathroom. I am thinking about not buying a lot of grocery's and going everyday to the store to get bare essentials, but when I did reading on the subject it did say some people get in there car's and drive to fast food places YIKES!!....I am at a loss....THANK YOU ALL for your comments and listening to me cry about what's going on with me and my body. It means a lot for me just to let it out and tell someone, I kept it from my husband for a few weeks, I was noticing lot's of food missing, stuff on the counter's, floor and finally he ask me if I got up and ate the night before and I started crying and told him what I had discovered I was doing.
Wow! That is awful! I would say call your Dr. and get some different meds! I can't imagine what you must be going thru. I am sooooo lucky, I guess. I'm 55 and a few years back I just quit having periods, end of story. I am so sorry you are going thru this! But with all the meds out there, seems to me there has to be a different combination that would be better for you.
UPDATE~~~~~~~So I live in denial, I never called the Dr. about my night sleep walking/eating, I was hoping it was a phase, last night was the final straw!! I got up this morning with my husband asking me what time did I get up and cook...COOK????? I made hamburgers (in my sleep) I obviously ate one, and had one wrapped up for him. YIKES :eek:...I am using the stove while sleep walking, so our day will consist of going to Home Depo to get alarms for front/back door and bedroom, as my husband is INSISTING ON!!! I have always had a phobia about sleeping with my bedroom door shut, but at this point I am putting us ALL in danger, what if I start driving??? God this scares me. and I WILL call the Dr. on Monday.
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OK we are now like Ft. Knox, alarms on the front door, alarm on the back door, alarm in the bedroom, the thing is Vegas hates the sound and barks so maybe this will wake me, I have my fingers crossed.
Another thing you could try.....having a key locking door. Turned around. I know this could be dangerous in an event of a house fire...but until this gets solved..put the locking side toward your bedroom and give your husband the key. It would be the safest way to make sure you are unable to leave the room unnoticed or unheard. Keep us informed. There is more going on then just hormone meds or depression meds. I've been working in a pharmacy for 12 years and have never heard of side effects like these. [MENTION=900]KMARINO[/MENTION]
[MENTION=572]Libra926[/MENTION], this is exactly why I fear calling my Dr. I think I am just weird, I have cried all day, and I AM NOT a cryer, but I KNOW I put Joe and
Vegas as well as myself in danger by cooking.....I just think I am mental, as Joe is still installing fire alarms and door alarms as I type.
Good. That is a good thing to have done regardless, but I still think the reverse lock on the door should be tried also. There are meds for sleepwalking, so the dr. Be safe and keep us informed!
Did you call the Dr today????? Please say yes lol... Another thing you can do is buy locks for the cupboards and frig... Unplug your stove at night and microwave...

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