My baby boy is growing up.


I couldn't make this sh*t up if I tried!
Jul 21, 2010
Bradenton Fl.
Bulldog(s) Names
This morning is the very first morning that I can remember that I actually got to get up and drink a whole cup of coffee while Vegas still snored away in his crate. He will be 19 months on the 1st.

The minute I hit the bedroom door every morning he is up and standing in his crate, which leads to me taking him out, getting his breakfast, him being a wild-man because he "pooped" and is so very proud so he runs laps around the dining room.

After about a half hour I can finally sit and drink a cup of coffee ( I am NOT a morning person). I so enjoyed the peace and quiet, besides him shaking the windows with his snoring, and got to enjoy my coffee first! :up: I am hoping this will be the beginning of a good thing, but knowing Vegas he will be standing waiting on me in the morning, he hears my alarm and is up and waiting on me.
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OMG that is so funny! There use to be some mornings that I at least made it to the shower before Lola wakes up. Now that we have Brodie forget it! Hubby gets up around 5 so takes him out then but as soon as i get up and I try to be quiet, he is up and ready to eat. That boy could eat 24/7. Isnt' it funny how excited they get after the poop. Lola is the same way, OMG, she feels so good afterwards! It is so funny because that is really the only time we see her sooooo energectic. Can't really tell that with Brodie, he is energetic all the time! :up: thumbs up to Vegas and i hope it continues for you!
Funny how easily we are excited about their progress... :p
The part about the windows shaking made me laugh.... perhaps he was exhausted from being cold yesterday! Did you get your heat fixed?
Let's hope that Vegas is going to let you have that first cup of coffee in peace from now on!!! Sometimes I have to MAKE Maggie get up and out of bed ... she could sleep all day and only wake up for meal times!!

Daddy is the opposite right now ... when he hears me come downstairs then he is up and waiting for us to let him out!!
thats great news way to go vegas for letting momma enjoy her morning coffee in peace! this morning lex was the one to sleep in and bo was the one putting his head on the bed nudging me with his cold nose then walking to the door about a million times before i actaully got up! and when i let bo out he didnt need to potty UGH!!!
[MENTION=2]desertskybulldogs[/MENTION], yes the electrician finally showed up around 7 last night (suppose to be here at 4) and fixed everything, now tomrrow it is suppose to be in the 70's! Today was kind of cool, and I was afraid to leave the heat on when I left for work so I turned it off so I would not have to worry about Vegas and a house fire. I put a queen size blanket in his crate and he was snug as a bug, and yes my windows do rattle when he is sleeping but no worse than ME and my HUSBAND, I said once my sister spent the night and complained the next morning between, me, Joe and Vegas she had a very sleep-less night, :lol:
LOL so your house is like a train station through the night? :lol:
[MENTION=2]desertskybulldogs[/MENTION], I guess so but between the three of us we don't even notice each other, lol
[MENTION=1612]Alice Kable[/MENTION], hey they want to come to Florida and spend some time, there is a price to stay at my house, that includes an all night stay of all 3 of us snoring, other than that you can go to the beach, enjoy the weather etc..but in the Marino house it is a train station! It infact comforts me to hear Vegas snoring, I know he is content. Weird I know but it does.
thats great news way to go vegas for letting momma enjoy her morning coffee in peace! this morning lex was the one to sleep in and bo was the one putting his head on the bed nudging me with his cold nose then walking to the door about a million times before i actaully got up! and when i let bo out he didnt need to potty UGH!!!

[MENTION=1041]lexterwayne[/MENTION], I HATE it when Vegas sits at the door 20 minutes after I have let him out and he has pooped and pee'd and starts the low grumbleing/growl that is his I need out sound. I tell him "No you just went out" but then I think...well maybe he has to go again, I do not have a fenced in yard so I have to leash him and take him out to the back yard, then I will take him out and he will just sit and look at me, it is very annoying!! I have been tricked many times!!
They grow up so fast. He will be off
to Puppy Kindergarten before you know it.

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