Messing the bed


New member
Oct 12, 2010
Bulldog(s) Names
I'm having an issue with my 11 month old female English Bulldog. We've had her since she was 8 weeks old but I just can't seem to break her from peeing in her bed. She didn't start it until she was about 4-5 months but nothing I do helps. Other than that, she is completely potty trained. She never pees or poops anywhere in the house unless we give her a bed/blanket to lay on. She's already been checked for bladder infections but nothing is wrong there.
Does anybody have any ideas on what I can do?
Firstly welcome to EBN! (hug)You'll be an expert on bullies in no time!

Maybe she's marking her territory? I know some bullies do that, not sure if they're male or female though. Also, do you put her bed in her crate? Wanted to know because I know others will most likely also ask. Generally, dogs don't usually pee where they commonly sleep.
Unfortunately female dogs do mark but its more of claiming their space. Do you have other dogs? have you recently had a baby or someone knew came into the house? is it the same bedding that she always seems to go on? Usually when a dog is uncomfortable or feels uneasy they will do this. Mr.Beefy peed all over the side of my bed(plastic wrapped still thank GOD) when he first came here because he was very uneasy and felt a little intimidated also he was trying to claim my bed as his. My female Olde(babyJoe) who is now 9mnths started peeing her crate when she was around that age. I dont know why it helped but i started spraying lavender on her blanket and when i washed it and cleaned her crate I would use vinegar. I would also sit with her by the crate for a while just to reassure her that she was ok. After about 2 weeks she stopped.
If it's in her bed or crate, take it out. Leave her nothing to sleep on in her crate. If you fell she is cold at night, put a blanket over her crate. Try that a few times,and see what happens.
That is exactly why Vegas does NOT sleep with us, he is 15 months old, 100% housebroke, but the few times I tried to let him sleep with us...he peed in my bed????? It happened about 4 times so no more. He NEVER pees in his crate and loves it, so that is where he will sleep!! I don't have an answer but just wanted you to know he does the same thing.
i think its more him marking his territory than anything. lex did the same thing a few times, after some spankins "nothing bad" he stopped!!!
If it's in her bed or crate, take it out. Leave her nothing to sleep on in her crate. If you fell she is cold at night, put a blanket over her crate. Try that a few times,and see what happens.

I completely agree with this. 1 of my bullies (Molly) will pee on a bed/blanket/rug t if you give her one. Once I quit putting it in her bed she stopped. Sometimes she will even go on a rug in the house if she is mad. And it will be a very tiny spot- so you KNOW she did not NEED to even go! Then Yuna and Jesse cannot have one either cuz they will eat it. It makes you feel bad because you want them to be comfortable but then I started to notice when they aren't in their crates they usually sleep on the cool floor anyway! (right next to the AC!)
Have to love this site.......I thought I was the only one with this problem. Dillinger is 5 1/2 months old, he is completely trained and great in his crate, but will pee in the dog bed we have for him in the familyroom. A few days ago my husband let Dillinger in bed with him and sure enough the 1st thing he did was pee. I did take the bed away in the family room and he no longer is allowed on any issues so far. He was fixed 2 weeks ago and I hope this will help. I will bring the bed out in a couple of weeks to see what happens.
OMG spike does the same thing and it started like 3 months ago he is completely potty trained... he will pee on his blanket in his crate or the blanket on the floor and then sleep on it... :[
Thanks everyone! She does sleep in her crate so thats where her blankets or beds go. She has been sleeping with nothing the last 2 nights & there has been no accidents. I guess she'll just have to continue with nothing for awhile. It's just so frustrating when she does it because then she lays in it & we have to bathe her constantly.
Thanks everyone! She does sleep in her crate so thats where her blankets or beds go. She has been sleeping with nothing the last 2 nights & there has been no accidents. I guess she'll just have to continue with nothing for awhile. It's just so frustrating when she does it because then she lays in it & we have to bathe her constantly.

Yes, and laying in it can cause hives or skin infections too! No fun for either of you.... don't worry, she will be fine without it.
Brody would do the same thing. He started bed wetting when he was a pup and has pretty much grown out of it (almost 4) every now and then he will do it.
That is exactly why Vegas does NOT sleep with us, he is 15 months old, 100% housebroke, but the few times I tried to let him sleep with us...he peed in my bed????? It happened about 4 times so no more. He NEVER pees in his crate and loves it, so that is where he will sleep!! I don't have an answer but just wanted you to know he does the same thing.

I am having this exact issue. Only my bed not his. Thats how I found this post using search. He is now banned from our bed but is fine everywhere else. He would be so spoiled if he would have not done it lol
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our boys used to do it also. they no longer do it but it. i learned my lesson with dog beds...jameson would pee on any new one he got. so all the beds went up and out of reach until they learned that was a no no. they both are allowed bed access and couch access and have beds on the floor and we no longer have issues.

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