Matrix Bulldogs, Jacksonville, FL selling sick puppies


New member
Mar 15, 2010
Do not buy a bulldog from Matrix Bulldogs in Jacksonville, Florida. I recently rescued one that was on death's door. A woman had purchased an English Bulldog puppy from Matrix, had it six weeks and after taking it to Tufts found out that it had a fatal neurological disease. The breeder refused to refund her money; but, offered her another puppy. When she went to pick the very docile puppy up, the facility had bleach buckets everywhere. The puppy was docile because he was deathly ill. On her drive home from Florida, the dog started vomiting. She took it to the hospital and surrendered the dog because she had no funds to provide medical care.
I have heard this guy is trying to sell puppies on Craigslist as well. :(
Thanks for the heads up kajaffe!

I will like to look into this and them further. See if there has been complaints regarding these breeders.

I know Florida is pretty bad with puppy mills and sick pups.
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I researched this and found the site with some postings.

Now, in my opinion, it sounds like Matrix may be involved in breeding an importing. The imported dogs are proabably the ones with the problems. THIS IS WHY YOU SHOULD NEVER PURCHASE AN IMPORTED DOG from someone in the USA!

If you want a champion bloodline of European decent (they are GORGEOUS!!) Buy directly from a well known breeder in Europe!!!!

Most imported dogs that are sold in the USA come from puppy mills. Sorry folks and definately sorry to those who import these dogs. Money hungry is all they are.

BUYER BEWARE: The "breeders" who sell these puppies usually try to pass them off as puppies THEY bred, and show you two bulldogs that are NOT the real parents of the puppies.

Anyway, here is the complaint board regarding Matrix:
ugh. jacksonville craiglist is one of the WORST i have experienced. i HATE it.

i, personally, would never, ever, ever even consider 'buying' a dog from craigslist. responsible breeders don't advertise on craigslist. the only time i view craiglist is for dogs in need of rescue.

jacksonville has a horrible reputation for backyard breeders who care nothing of their dogs/pups and care only about the power of the almighty dollar.

remember when looking for a healthy pup to always seek RESPONSIBLE breeders. those that don't have an adoption contract, etc, and don't care who you are or what kind of home you provide-as long as you have the money--are not responsible breeders and you can bet they didn't care enough to have their breeding stock tested for health issues prior to breeding.

ps, florida has laws that you must have health certificates, etc when selling pups. if your friend did not recieve valid health certificates (and if both pups were sick, i would suspect she did not), then you can contact the department of ag (i think?) to report this breeder. if he's an akc breeder, you can also report his kennel to akc. i would definately encourage your friend to report him-even going to the media about him if all else fails--so that he isn't able to keep causing this great breed to suffer for his greed.
two puppies purchased from Matrix in Jacksonville

We purchased two puppies from Brook in August of 2009. The female was taken to the urgent care in Jacksonville for pnuemonia about a week after we got her. The male passed away less than a year later due to a weak heart. Given things do go wrong and they cannot be helped. But have seen many bad stories about Matrix and not too many good things. Just wanted to put my two cents in and let people know to beware. It is horrible for somebody to sell you an animal that becomes part of your family in such a shady way. He does not return phone calls, never follows through on his word, and does not seem to respect the seriousness of the amount of money that is paid for not only the animals but the trust of what he, 'the breeder', tells people. It was just as if we wrote a check and he just threw the dogs and ran. Its ashame kids feelings were hurt and involved with this. Much less everything else that goes into having a pet.
I purchased Wimbley from brook @ Matrix in august 2009. Other than the Kennel Cough and this latest incident she has been pretty darn healthy. This angers me to hear that this guy has been selling sick pups... how can I report him to AKC? my dog is registered with them...
The disgusting thing is there is not much that can be done. Until our government starts passing more laws for animal rights!!!
I alsp purchased a bully from Matrix. Mine has congenital issues, they are not curable, but can be treated. I am in hopes that he makes good on his word that he will refund me my money. He does have issues answering e-mails and calls, however, I finally sent him a certified letter and that got his attention. I now have his word in writing that I will get my money back.

Me sweetheart went through thousands of dollars in testing, medications and vet visits. I had to save her life, she was part of the family. She is a great pup, a wonderful addition and I wouldn't trade her for anything.

If your pup has symptoms like these, have your vet do a TAMU panel (blood test) if you vet won't then see Dr Walker in Orange Park at the vet specialists, he in Internal medicine and the disease is his specialty.

Symptoms: Constantly hungry, huge appetite, frequent loose yellow/grey stools, lethargic, rapid weight lose.....possible Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency. (EPI for short)

this means that the pups pancreas is not forming the correct enzymes to digest food, they will eat and eat but nothing gets absorbed. I hate to say this but because of no nutrition, they can have a secondary condition that involves the heart. My pup was first diagnosed with a heart condition, but then after months of heart meds, she was not getting better. It is genetic and a combination of parents genes, so if one in the litter has it, the chance of the rest of the litter becomes huge. However it does not just affect the dog as a puppy, it can show up at any time in their life, 2 years, 5 years etc.....

I can not stress enough, this can be treated. go to
I alsp purchased a bully from Matrix. Mine has congenital issues, they are not curable, but can be treated. I am in hopes that he makes good on his word that he will refund me my money. He does have issues answering e-mails and calls, however, I finally sent him a certified letter and that got his attention. I now have his word in writing that I will get my money back.

Me sweetheart went through thousands of dollars in testing, medications and vet visits. I had to save her life, she was part of the family. She is a great pup, a wonderful addition and I wouldn't trade her for anything.

If your pup has symptoms like these, have your vet do a TAMU panel (blood test) if you vet won't then see Dr Walker in Orange Park at the vet specialists, he in Internal medicine and the disease is his specialty.

Symptoms: Constantly hungry, huge appetite, frequent loose yellow/grey stools, lethargic, rapid weight lose.....possible Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency. (EPI for short)

this means that the pups pancreas is not forming the correct enzymes to digest food, they will eat and eat but nothing gets absorbed. I hate to say this but because of no nutrition, they can have a secondary condition that involves the heart. My pup was first diagnosed with a heart condition, but then after months of heart meds, she was not getting better. It is genetic and a combination of parents genes, so if one in the litter has it, the chance of the rest of the litter becomes huge. However it does not just affect the dog as a puppy, it can show up at any time in their life, 2 years, 5 years etc.....

I can not stress enough, this can be treated. go to
Matrix Bulldogs is now!!!!!!! I purchased a puppy about 3 months ago and I have had nothing but problems with my puppy! I have spent tons of money at the vet! I have tried to contact Brook several times and he never returns my phone calls! I live in the same town as this breeder and I have heard he just imports his puppies! Heck im sure the AKC paperwork isnt even legit! I was told that the mom to my puppy was "Maggie" and now on 5 Star Bulldogs website it is a completley different dog! The dad was "Champ" and is liste on there. But who really knows if that is really the dad if all he is doing is importing his puppies!! I would do my research before buying from this breeder! As you can clearly see I am not the only one dealing with this issue!:mad:
See this is what these greedy, good for nothing people do. Change their name so they can continue to rob people! Grrrr this makes me so mad.

I wanna make sure we have some keywords entered into this, so others will find this!

5 star bulldogs
5star bulldogs

Okay that covers it. Anyone have any other details they can provide people who use search engines?
5 Star Bulldogs Selling Imports
Located in Jacksonville, Florida

If anyone wants to ad to the new thread just go up to the search box and type "5 Star English Bulldogs Selling Imports"
I hope one day these people get whats coming to them! I wish there was something all of us could do to get him in trouble with the AKC then maybe he couldnt register anymore puppies

Here is a complaint board regarding 5 Star Bulldogs/ Matrix Bulldogs. Do your Research!!

And yes its sad they are so MONEY HUNGRY they are going to change their website in hopes people will either forget or will not associate the two!
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I am a member of a bulldog club in the same town as the breeder. One of our members went to purchase from him and saw over 30 puppies. She and her husband reported him to the city as a puppy mill. It is still under investigation. all I can say is KARMA. We have a TV reporter you can complain to about these issues. If I do not receive my money, I will take it everywhere. It will both help get the information out about my pups disease but in the mean time get out info about this sorry breeder.

My hopes that I can reach out to those sick puppies and get them help. Also if you think the AKC paperwork is false, report it to the AKC. I will have no problem doing that.!!!!!
How do people not get caught for false AKC paperwork?
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DO YOU REMEMBER THE "THANK YOU" EMAIL YOU WROTE ME???? THE ONE EMAIL claiming that you were so thankful that your little baby was a new study/research patient at the University of Louisiana??? Are you forgetting the agreement to replace/refund you 100 percent at the Florida/Georgia game???? If so, why are you still gabbing if you were so content with the agreement we had made, why are you on here stating the direct antithesis? Give me your adress, and I will deliver YOUR PUPPY TO YOUR FRONT DOOR TTTOOOMMMOOORRRRRROOOWWW!!!!!!! I know we agreed to October 1st, but I will do it now since its such a major issue at this point apparently.