Lola's brother is finally here....


New member
Nov 17, 2010
Mobile, AL
Bulldog(s) Names
Lola and Brodie
I am so excited and glad all the worry is over with....Lola's brother is here. We cannot settle on a name. It is either: Odie, Oscar, Louie. I have tried calling him Oscar and something about it does not seem right but my son loves it. hubby likes Odie and it fits better to me, but son does NOT like Odie. I like Louie and have liked it from the beginning but hubby said i will get it confused with lola :confused:. I am "trying" to post a couple pics.
kenzie and tbn.jpghe and lola b4 nap.jpgafter he got home.jpg
He is so cute! Are you open to name suggestions?
Well I must say I totally am in LOVE with the first picture! I think all of the names are great. There is also this thread in the 4 Paw Members board, never know.... one of these names may spark a new interest!

Looks like ya'll had some fun with that one...yeah some good names and 2 pages to go. Frustrating because now I am saying hey..YOU puppy....poor thing is going to be so confused if we don't agree soon.
Awwww he's just precious! That first picture is absolutely frame worthy. So glad your anxiety is over and he's home. I'm sure the name will come soon.
I love the name Capone. And if he's a two toofer.....Capone would fit him! (I love the name Capone.....)(I love love love the name Capone)
Capone was a bulldog we befriended on myspace back in the day. He was just a little guy, but he had a rough life. He was such a fighter! He died before his 3rd birthday from cancer. When I think of Capone...I think of strength. I think of a fighter. I think of worth.
I love the name Capone. And if he's a two toofer.....Capone would fit him! (I love the name Capone.....)(I love love love the name Capone)
Capone was a bulldog we befriended on myspace back in the day. He was just a little guy, but he had a rough life. He was such a fighter! He died before his 3rd birthday from cancer. When I think of Capone...I think of strength. I think of a fighter. I think of worth.
That is a good name! Will have to share that with the family. We have to settle on a name today! Thanks!!
:up: I love ALL the pictures and he is absolutely beautiful and looks very healthy and wrinkely. I am sure the name will be right when you decide. Congratualtions!! :up:
I am so glad he arrived safely. Boy, where was I? I had company from out of state this week, guess I totally missed this post. I assume he has a name by now? If I ever get a male his name will be "Quinn".
Squishy cuteness - that puppy is adorable! I love him!

From the names you listed, I like Oscar and, I agree, Lola and Louie could get confusing...I also love the name Otis for a bulldog, which is in the ballpark of the Oscar/Odie suggestions.

Let us know what you pick!

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