
always right before a show lol
Right!? So now Ella is ready to go for this weekend and Darla is questionable. I will give her a bath tomorrow and then decide if I need to pull her or not. We have 3 specialty shows coming up the second weekend of April so hopefully her hair grows back as quickly as her mother's!
I thought I replied days ago! Yes!!! Itā€™s almost all back so weā€™re good to go! But then late last week Darla decided to scratch herself and got 3 hot spots along the top of her neck so now sheā€™s getting Nustock šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø
They trying to tell you something? Put socks on them with duct taped šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£
Right!? So now Ella is ready to go for this weekend and Darla is questionable. I will give her a bath tomorrow and then decide if I need to pull her or not. We have 3 specialty shows coming up the second weekend of April so hopefully her hair grows back as quickly as her mother's!

Are they itching from allergies?? What a coincidence that both your girls are itchy and they eat the same food(if I remember correctly?).

Hopefully their fur grows back soon, hopefully you figure out the root cause of their itching.
Are they itching from allergies?? What a coincidence that both your girls are itchy and they eat the same food(if I remember correctly?).

Hopefully their fur grows back soon, hopefully you figure out the root cause of their itching.
Ella had originally had an allergic reaction to something, Iā€™m thinking a bug bite. Her eye and nose rope were swollen and she was itchy and scratched herself. Darla had stayed with a friend while I was out of town for a few days and came home itchy so Iā€™m guessing it was something over there.

Neither incidents are related and just an unfortunate coincidence that they both gave themselves hotspots within a couple weeks of each other.

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