Lambeau has been diagnosed with lymphoma

Glad hes getting back on track. For his poo itā€™s definitely the meds. Even in humans chemo or any cancer meds will affect the gut. But at the end of the day, itā€™s all good news for our Lamā€¦..ā¤ļø
3/10 update - last weekend was a rough one ā€“ his white blood count dropped, basically bottomed out. He ad a fever of 106, we got it down to 102.9 with a cool bath and ice packs, but within 30 minutes of being out , it shot back up to 105.9. we jumped in car to ER, he spent the night and we picked him up at 4:30 on Saturday. He was very weak and tired most of Sunday ā€“ Wednesday, but yesterday he started perking back up. Oncologist has suspended the rest of his treatment this week, so we go back on 3/15 for CBC/liver evaluation and discuss nest steps. Yes, another side effect of one of the pills (Procarbazine) in the current protocol.
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@2BullyMama Oh Christine, I know you are going through hell, worrying about Lambeau. I so wish I was there, or near to help you with anything at all. You must be exhausted with worry and work! I am sending all the prayers and love to you,Lewis, and Lamb for a much better week-some good results!:lubu::pray:
3/10 update - last weekend was a rough one ā€“ his white blood count dropped, basically bottomed out. He ad a fever of 106, we got it down to 102.9 with a cool bath and ice packs, but within 30 minutes of being out , it shot back up to 105.9. we jumped in car to ER, he spent the night and we picked him up at 4:30 on Saturday. He was very weak and tired most of Sunday ā€“ Wednesday, but yesterday he started perking back up. Oncologist has suspended the rest of his treatment this week, so we go back on 3/15 for CBC/liver evaluation and discuss nest steps. Yes, another side effect of one of the pills (Procarbazine) in the current protocol.

Poor Lambeau, itā€™s horrible to see them so unwell. Hopefully he gets thru this and gets better soon.
It's been a full week since the high fever and he is only two days away from finishing the antibiotic. He is doing great, went for a short walk last night, had his weekly marrow bone and is eating like he normally does. he is still a little weak, we have to carry him up the stairs or stay behind him as he gases out half way up. Overall, he looks great and seems to be bouncing back real well. His next chemo is this coming Wednesday, I'm really hesitant to give him that one pill (Procarbazine), but we'll see what the oncologist has to say after looking at new CBC/liver test results.

Thanks for all the support, love and prayers.
Agreed, Lammy is a fighter, no doubt! And so are you. Please hang in there and know we are all praying for Lambeau and you! You are constantly in my thoughts. I could take a drive down to PA if you need, just say the word. :heartsign:
3/27 update ā€“ MVPP treatment was done on Wednesday 3/22, we only did three days of the Procarbazine, this is the pill that has the low white blood count as a side effect. Our oncologist wanted to ease him back on it so we did three days instead of seven. He is doing well now weekend he was tired and had massive diarrhea. Today he was energetic, interactive, and very hungry. Next treatment is on 4/5. This protocol is suppose to be two weeks on and a week off, but due to beauā€™s reaction, she is opting to do one week on and one week off. Please continue to pray for remission, we so want Beau to get a break from the treatment and that canā€™t happen without remission.

cute Beau.jpg

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