Lambeau has been diagnosed with lymphoma

1/15 update -- so the short of it, us being so overwhelmed, exhausted an plain brain numb- neither me nor Lewis picked up on or remembered what the side effects of the Tanovea were.... sigh! It turns out every issue we were experiencing with Beau over the last two -three weeks was a side effect... he hit 5 of the 6 at high levels. Lethargic, loss of appetite, diarrhea which could or couldn't be can't really say either way, but it was 10x worse. When I explained everything to our oncologist, she immediately said we will not continue on this protocol. So, we are back on Elspar for this week with a recheck next week to see how he responds and then determine next steps. She is otherwise happy with how his system responded and today she asperated the one node that still is being stubborn and said all she is seeing is blood and fat cells, but never said if he was in remission. we'll know better next week.

I'll be 100% transparent, so others learn for us, PAY ATTENTION to the listed side effects!! Over these last 3 weeks, there were a couple times we did not think Beau would wake up in the morning that is how lethargic he was and the other issues were that severe. We didn't connect the dots to them being side effects, it wouldn't have changed anything, but maybe we would have dealt better or called to see if there was anything more to help him. Yes, we did take him to our regular vet to check things out, but again... two different facilities and they may send each other the "chart/reports, it is still up to us as pawents/owners to READ everything and connect those dots where you can. lesson learned!

He is more himself the past two days, even eating his normal raw food. We'll see what tomorrow brings on how he responds to going back to Elspar.

Glad he is more himself the last couple days and is eating is raw food.

One question for you:
Have you looked into starting Lambeau on a Immunity mushroom supplement with multiple mushrooms in it that are known to fight and even prevent and slow down cancer growth/spread???

I actually have all my dogs on the Four Leaf Rover brand - Immunity Seven Mushrooms supplement.
It works great.

Rusty has been on it for 3 years cause he has weakened immune system and allergies and was getting viruses.
I decided to put my 1 golden retriever on it for preventative/maintenance and my older golden retriever gets it to help fight the bladder cancer and keep her comfortable for as long as we can.

I have 3 dogs, Rusty(Frenchie- will be 4 in March), and 2 golden retrievers ages 7(turns 7 Saturday actually), and the other golden retriever is 8.5(will be 9 in may). The older golden retriever was diagnosed with Bladder Cancer beginning of January(had ultrasound done and thatā€™s how we know), both golden retrievers have kidney disease from the low quality food they were on when they were young. Her kidneys look 100% normal based on bloodwork and ultrasound, still on low phosphorus raw diet and kidney supplement, they were diagnosed with kidney disease 2 years ago!

So the older golden with Bladder Cancer, we basically keep her comfortable until she canā€™t pee anymore, the tumour is the size of her bladder and is going up into her kidneys and likely already spread to lungs. So we put her on the Four Leaf Rover Immunity Seven Mushrooms supplement and she actually is NOT peeing PURE blood anymore, we actually thought we wouldnā€™t have her last Christmas. We canā€™t see ANY blood in it at all. And she is more playful.

And the vet said chemo doesnā€™t work on this cancer and to try supplements instead, she has 1-6 months depending if it spread or not they said(unless she canā€™t pee). But no one knows how long she has. We just have to monitor how much she pees at a time.

She has more energy and she is doing way better, mushrooms are known for preventing cancer and helping the immune system fight cancer and other issues, even helps with chemo side effects apparently.

Just a thought and thought I would share how it helped my golden retriever that has bladder cancer.
That was my point of why this long response and details I have shared with you, cause mushrooms are known to help immune system fight things like this(cancer) and it can prolong the life expectancy of dogs with cancer and other health issues, and the side effects of chemo.

Keep us updated.
Sweet Lambeau, i'm sorry you have had it so rough. I too am sending lots of kisses and prayers to all of you.
You have all been through so much, sometimes the mind is numb from so much overload as well as exhaustion. I am glad they figured it out and that he didn't have a reaction to the other shot.

Prayers are coming , just keep hanging in there and know we are all sending you so much strength and love.

ps... how did going back in to work go this week?
I have been off EBN for so long and recently decided to pop back in- I am so sorry your family and Lambeau are going through this. It's heartbreaking. If I remember correctly, I believe my Effie girl is round about the same age as Lambeau. She's slowed down quite a bit recently and has developed arthritis in her back leg (the same leg she chipped a growth plate in when she was just a puppy- which was documented for the most part here on EBN). She sleeps HARD these days & has become hard to wake in the evenings....and most nights she doesn't even want to come upstairs to bed (most of this I've attributed to the arthritis & sometimes I'll carry her up if she lets me).

Anyway- It took me a while to read through this entire thread, and I have to admit I'm at a loss for words. It was an emotional rollercoaster to read so I can only imagine how difficult it's been to live. So much can happen in what feels like a short amount of time with these kids. I will keep you all in my thoughts!!!! I hope and pray Lambeau hits remission soon šŸ¤žšŸ’•
Glad he is more himself the last couple days and is eating is raw food.

One question for you:
Have you looked into starting Lambeau on a Immunity mushroom supplement with multiple mushrooms in it that are known to fight and even prevent and slow down cancer growth/spread???

I actually have all my dogs on the Four Leaf Rover brand - Immunity Seven Mushrooms supplement.
It works great.

Rusty has been on it for 3 years cause he has weakened immune system and allergies and was getting viruses.
I decided to put my 1 golden retriever on it for preventative/maintenance and my older golden retriever gets it to help fight the bladder cancer and keep her comfortable for as long as we can.

I have 3 dogs, Rusty(Frenchie- will be 4 in March), and 2 golden retrievers ages 7(turns 7 Saturday actually), and the other golden retriever is 8.5(will be 9 in may). The older golden retriever was diagnosed with Bladder Cancer beginning of January(had ultrasound done and thatā€™s how we know), both golden retrievers have kidney disease from the low quality food they were on when they were young. Her kidneys look 100% normal based on bloodwork and ultrasound, still on low phosphorus raw diet and kidney supplement, they were diagnosed with kidney disease 2 years ago!

So the older golden with Bladder Cancer, we basically keep her comfortable until she canā€™t pee anymore, the tumour is the size of her bladder and is going up into her kidneys and likely already spread to lungs. So we put her on the Four Leaf Rover Immunity Seven Mushrooms supplement and she actually is NOT peeing PURE blood anymore, we actually thought we wouldnā€™t have her last Christmas. We canā€™t see ANY blood in it at all. And she is more playful.

And the vet said chemo doesnā€™t work on this cancer and to try supplements instead, she has 1-6 months depending if it spread or not they said(unless she canā€™t pee). But no one knows how long she has. We just have to monitor how much she pees at a time.

She has more energy and she is doing way better, mushrooms are known for preventing cancer and helping the immune system fight cancer and other issues, even helps with chemo side effects apparently.

Just a thought and thought I would share how it helped my golden retriever that has bladder cancer.
That was my point of why this long response and details I have shared with you, cause mushrooms are known to help immune system fight things like this(cancer) and it can prolong the life expectancy of dogs with cancer and other health issues, and the side effects of chemo.

Keep us updated.
Yes, he has been on the mushroom complex since July
Sweet Lambeau, i'm sorry you have had it so rough. I too am sending lots of kisses and prayers to all of you.
You have all been through so much, sometimes the mind is numb from so much overload as well as exhaustion. I am glad they figured it out and that he didn't have a reaction to the other shot.

Prayers are coming , just keep hanging in there and know we are all sending you so much strength and love.

ps... how did going back in to work go this week?
Back to office STINKS :) I'm doing half days in office on Tuesdays, taking vacation time on Wednesday for next 9 weeks (carry over from last year that has to be used by March 1), Lewis is home on Thursday so I will be in office full day. And, Mon/Fri is work from home for the whole company. So, it is horrible, but just adds a layer of stress with timing and driving. My direct manager is awesome and supportive, it is the execs/HR that are the struggle with all this.
Best thoughts and prayers for you and Lambeau to get through this. It has got to be so hard on you. I'm sure you spend the day worrying. You have to take care of yourself,too, to be strong for Lambeau. I so wish I could help you both. Everyone here's prayers are with you.
Sort of a double update since I didn't post last week. I'm working part time in office, Tuesday half-day, Wednesday taking PTO/comp time I have piled up and full day in office on Thursday, then WFH Monday/Friday. Lewis is home when I am not. We'll see what happens.

2/10 update ā€“ new protocol, called MVPP. On 2/1 Lambeau received a portion of this protocol to see how he would respond to it. Our oncologist did not want Beau have the experience he did with the Tanovea so we took this new protocol in two steps. 2/1 was two of the three drugs and then a recheck I a week. We returned on 2/8 with a glowing updateā€¦ Beau was 100% back to normal, eating, wanting to go on walks, playing and chewing toys/bones. Beau has not touched a ball or bone since August so to see him grab a ball and want to chase it, pick up a bone and chew it, we were over the moon with happiness. This past week, Beau received all three drugs and takes one pill a day for a week along with still being on prednisone. We are three days in and he is still doing great. The one stubborn node in his shoulder has decreased in size which is progress. Poo is still an issue regardless, but his appetite is fantastic, he is still playing and chewing bones. This coming week is just a CBC check due to the possibility of white cells being impacted on this pill he gets daily. Next chemo treatment is on 2/22
Glad he is more himself the last couple days and is eating is raw food.

One question for you:
Have you looked into starting Lambeau on a Immunity mushroom supplement with multiple mushrooms in it that are known to fight and even prevent and slow down cancer growth/spread???

I actually have all my dogs on the Four Leaf Rover brand - Immunity Seven Mushrooms supplement.
It works great.

Rusty has been on it for 3 years cause he has weakened immune system and allergies and was getting viruses.
I decided to put my 1 golden retriever on it for preventative/maintenance and my older golden retriever gets it to help fight the bladder cancer and keep her comfortable for as long as we can.

I have 3 dogs, Rusty(Frenchie- will be 4 in March), and 2 golden retrievers ages 7(turns 7 Saturday actually), and the other golden retriever is 8.5(will be 9 in may). The older golden retriever was diagnosed with Bladder Cancer beginning of January(had ultrasound done and thatā€™s how we know), both golden retrievers have kidney disease from the low quality food they were on when they were young. Her kidneys look 100% normal based on bloodwork and ultrasound, still on low phosphorus raw diet and kidney supplement, they were diagnosed with kidney disease 2 years ago!

So the older golden with Bladder Cancer, we basically keep her comfortable until she canā€™t pee anymore, the tumour is the size of her bladder and is going up into her kidneys and likely already spread to lungs. So we put her on the Four Leaf Rover Immunity Seven Mushrooms supplement and she actually is NOT peeing PURE blood anymore, we actually thought we wouldnā€™t have her last Christmas. We canā€™t see ANY blood in it at all. And she is more playful.

And the vet said chemo doesnā€™t work on this cancer and to try supplements instead, she has 1-6 months depending if it spread or not they said(unless she canā€™t pee). But no one knows how long she has. We just have to monitor how much she pees at a time.

She has more energy and she is doing way better, mushrooms are known for preventing cancer and helping the immune system fight cancer and other issues, even helps with chemo side effects apparently.

Just a thought and thought I would share how it helped my golden retriever that has bladder cancer.
That was my point of why this long response and details I have shared with you, cause mushrooms are known to help immune system fight things like this(cancer) and it can prolong the life expectancy of dogs with cancer and other health issues, and the side effects of chemo.

Keep us updated.
yes... he has been on them since being diagnosed in August.
Oh Christine, I'm so glad to see the last update that Lambeau is feeling better. I absolutely know you were over the moon and probably to tears when he got his ball and bone! You are doing such an amazing job. Please try to take care of you in the midst of all this, although I also know we put them first no matter what.

Still thinking of you all daily and praying for you. I'm looking forward to the next update have more positive progress šŸ’•
2/26 update no changes, still eating, playing and doing well on current protocol called MVPP. fur is not growing back whenever the shave him, but he is currently doing well so I'll take the bald spots
2/26 update no changes, still eating, playing and doing well on current protocol called MVPP. fur is not growing back whenever the shave him, but he is currently doing well so I'll take the bald spots
Hi there. Yes...Jewel has bald spots when jet calcenosis cutis resolved. It tool a long time for her hair to grow back.

Glad to hear Hammy Lammy is on the mend. Cooper says hello


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