Kain - 12 Week only and 2 weeks of Training...


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Feb 14, 2012
Estevan, Sask
Bulldog(s) Names
Here is Kain after 2 weeks of Clicker Training. I'm sooo happy with him, he has his bad moments don't get me wrong but if I keep this up I should be able to break through when needed after the teething stage and calmness settle in later.Bare with me, It's my first video and I'd rather not be in it myself. I've never trained a dog before so i'm educating myself and learning as I go.Any suggestions are more than welcomed.


PS. I will edit if something isnt working or quality is crappy, but hope this works
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Well your little Kain is a very handsome and smart boy, great job on his training, he is doing so great. Like they say bullies will work for food. :tongue:
Shoot sorry for the double post, lost the first and thought I only previewed and closed it so reposted to the video forum again.
So impressive! Kain is such a sweetie too. You catch on quickly too cuz you gave us video and pictures! :bravo:
Wow I'm very impressed. Kain's a gorgeous bully too. I see that he has a black muzzle? I did a post in the general section on muzzle colors. I'm not a big fan of clicker training but I hear (and see) that it seems quite successful for those who train with it. Very impressive how well Kain is doing on it. How much time have you been spending with him? I could great improve on my training time I spend with mine. Great job and wonderful video!!!!
Wow I'm very impressed. Kain's a gorgeous bully too. I see that he has a black muzzle? I did a post in the general section on muzzle colors. I'm not a big fan of clicker training but I hear (and see) that it seems quite successful for those who train with it. Very impressive how well Kain is doing on it. How much time have you been spending with him? I could great improve on my training time I spend with mine. Great job and wonderful video!!!!

So far about a 10-15 min session once a day. A couple times twice but that was uncommon and he learnt something new.

Even playing fetch he bolts back to his bed with the ball or whatever, when I break out the clicker he drops it at me and brings it closer if I don't click for him. Amazing I wish I knew that with my yorkie 7 years ago :)

My biggest on is click and treat to get good walking and no biting now.

Thanks for all the comments everyone much appreciated.
:hmm: is this there out there twice.... could have sworn I posted on this before?
Yeah I apologize first post went to a different video forum I thought I previewed it and reposted and it turns out there was one. Can a moderator merge them or clean one post up?

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