Junebug and her hind legs


New member
Feb 1, 2012
Bulldog(s) Names
I have a one year old bully named Junebug and she has always been a healthy girl but she recently has been having some problems with her hind legs. If playing she will sometimes yelp and one of her hind legs will be limp and hanging. Her paw will always be folded with her toes curled under. I cannot tell exactly where it is lame from bit it looks more like the ankle than the knee. I have am appointment to have her looked at, at out state university vet school clinic. I am hoping it is not spinal related. Has anyone else ever seen or herd of this? Any help will be greatly appreciated. :cry:
Not to this extreme, hang on someone will hopefully be along soon. Poor Junebug
Aww poor baby you must be frantic when this happens. I hope you get some answers at the vet. :hug:
Oh dear! I have had a Rottie with spinal problems. It's not an easy thing to treat, but we were able to keep her pain free with acupuncture and meds. I hope it's not a serious problem. Glad you are going to a teaching hospital. They are up on all the latest techniques.
I have a 6 year old girl, Banks and she has spinal issues. She has three discs that are fused together and butterfly discs... this does cause her to drag her back paws, but not limp or curl her toes. For her there is not a fix so it has been all pain management. She is on Tramadol, Deramaxx and Gapapentin everyday and she has laser therapy twice a month.

One thing that you mention about the paw folding and the toes curling, my vet told us to watch for that and if it occurred with Banks he wanted to see her for an exam as it COULD be a neurological issue.

Best of luck with the appointment and PLEASE keep us posted.

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