Jewel's Trip To The ER

January 28, 2022-Jewel is home. On pain med...Fentanyl patch, antibiotics, and a drain. She is very alert and active and she is famished as we are giving her poached chicken breast.

She reminds me of becoming one with the Borg Collective...Resistance is futile. See below.

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So happy that she’s home and recovering! Healing really begins at home I believe. I’ll be watching for updates. BIG bully hugs from Joey and I, our prayers continue! Also thank God no one injured in the accident!

Sue and Joey
When it rains it pours. Geez But hey, everyone is ok! That’s a great sign 🙂…. Definitely post updates. Big hugs to all.
Good grief... I'm happy to see that Jewel is home & recovering. Maybe you need to just stay in the house... I got t-boned by an uninsured driver back in May. I was sitting at a red light, and she was making a turn in the rain OF COURSE driving too fast for conditions. My guardian angels were on it, the fireman had to open the door for me to exit my car... luckily my only injuries were whiplash and anger!!! :LOL: I feel like people are just on edge right now, and their ability to function normally is failing miserably. Meanwhile the rest of us suffer the consequences...
Thank you Chip.

Is there a Bulldog "Stock" being held anytime soon...April like a few years back before this Covid crap hit?
Bulldog stock? Please enlighten me.
Sending tons of healing prayers for your beautiful sweet Jewelie girl…. Hugs to you and the wife too
At Pimlico and sponsored by a vet establishment in Hunt Valley I believe. The function where we met
Oh...yeah...that! We were all prepared to go in October 2020 and it got cancelled. I don't recall hearing anything about 2021. We were away fishing most of October anyway...but I think it was not held. Covid has ruined all of our fund-raising events for the past 2 years. Consequently, we have only rescued a few dogs...less than 10. Hard to believe that we took in as many as 60/year at one time. Crazy!
If I hear of any nearby event, I'll post up here. The only one I can think of that will likely be a go, is the Seawitch Festival in Rehoboth Beach, DE. We went last year but not with the foundation and did not participate in any to enjoy the festivities for a change.
Oh...yeah...that! We were all prepared to go in October 2020 and it got cancelled. I don't recall hearing anything about 2021. We were away fishing most of October anyway...but I think it was not held. Covid has ruined all of our fund-raising events for the past 2 years. Consequently, we have only rescued a few dogs...less than 10. Hard to believe that we took in as many as 60/year at one time. Crazy!
If I hear of any nearby event, I'll post up here. The only one I can think of that will likely be a go, is the Seawitch Festival in Rehoboth Beach, DE. We went last year but not with the foundation and did not participate in any to enjoy the festivities for a change.
Yes keep us posted. I hope it is a weekend that the big guy is not visiting.

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