Jewel's Trip To The ER

OMG... I'm so very sorry to read this, I can't even... :(

I'm pretty much over this year as well... we can't seem to catch our breath.

Praying that Jewel has a smooth recovery, and praying for you as well my friend...
Thank you. good for mommy.
On Friday 1/21/22, Jewel just did not eat. When she laid down, she was in the the sitting position (keeping her head above the level of her body). She looked at me all the time as I was watching the TV and her was a look of "Daddy, I don't feel good or I have to go potty." I took her outside and she did her business. Her stool was the consistency of pudding. We do give her Prilosec daily for her reflux and thought her actions were consistent with a gastroenteritis. She was mildly lethargic at this time and just not Jewel. We took her to the pet ER as her Primary Vet was unavailable. They were not accepting new patients unless critical. The did check her vital signs and based on her presentation said she did not fit the ER profile.

When we got home, she still did not eat or drink water and she just did not look right. Well off to Annapolis to another ER where she was admitted. Her CBC had an elevated white count to indicate an infection. She was admitted for two nights and given IV fluids and antibiotics. On Sunday, they were discharging her and we picked her up. Her face looked awkward. We brought her home and she rested and she ate only about a 1/4 cup of chicken. She again laid down but while sitting up. I put a pillow under her to keep her head elevated and she slept. She still wasn't right and her left cheek was a little more swollen. We went back to the ER last evening and she was admitted. Jewel's cheek was puffed would think an abscess. This time they again gave her fluids and antibiotics as well as pain meds. We called to check on her and she was resting comfortably. Like her first trip, the ER would call if there was a change in her condition. A surgical consult would be done on Monday morning (today).

We received a call from Jewel's surgeon who said there was an inner ear infection and surgery needed to be performed. We authorized a CT Scan to pinpoint the infection and the surgery. She is scheduled for 0900 hours tomorrow for scan and then surgery.

As if 2021 was not bad enough...2022 is not off to a good start.

Please keep Jewel in thoughts and prayers. Thanx.
Sending love and healing vibes to all of you. Watching our bullies in pain and being uncomfortable is one of the hardest things ever. You get your kids raised and on their own pretty much and then along comes EBD love.
On Friday 1/21/22, Jewel just did not eat. When she laid down, she was in the the sitting position (keeping her head above the level of her body). She looked at me all the time as I was watching the TV and her was a look of "Daddy, I don't feel good or I have to go potty." I took her outside and she did her business. Her stool was the consistency of pudding. We do give her Prilosec daily for her reflux and thought her actions were consistent with a gastroenteritis. She was mildly lethargic at this time and just not Jewel. We took her to the pet ER as her Primary Vet was unavailable. They were not accepting new patients unless critical. The did check her vital signs and based on her presentation said she did not fit the ER profile.

When we got home, she still did not eat or drink water and she just did not look right. Well off to Annapolis to another ER where she was admitted. Her CBC had an elevated white count to indicate an infection. She was admitted for two nights and given IV fluids and antibiotics. On Sunday, they were discharging her and we picked her up. Her face looked awkward. We brought her home and she rested and she ate only about a 1/4 cup of chicken. She again laid down but while sitting up. I put a pillow under her to keep her head elevated and she slept. She still wasn't right and her left cheek was a little more swollen. We went back to the ER last evening and she was admitted. Jewel's cheek was puffed would think an abscess. This time they again gave her fluids and antibiotics as well as pain meds. We called to check on her and she was resting comfortably. Like her first trip, the ER would call if there was a change in her condition. A surgical consult would be done on Monday morning (today).

We received a call from Jewel's surgeon who said there was an inner ear infection and surgery needed to be performed. We authorized a CT Scan to pinpoint the infection and the surgery. She is scheduled for 0900 hours tomorrow for scan and then surgery.

As if 2021 was not bad enough...2022 is not off to a good start.

Please keep Jewel in thoughts and prayers. Thanx.
That is terrible news. BoomerBoy and I wish u the best of luck and hope Jewel makes a full recovery!


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On Friday 1/21/22, Jewel just did not eat. When she laid down, she was in the the sitting position (keeping her head above the level of her body). She looked at me all the time as I was watching the TV and her was a look of "Daddy, I don't feel good or I have to go potty." I took her outside and she did her business. Her stool was the consistency of pudding. We do give her Prilosec daily for her reflux and thought her actions were consistent with a gastroenteritis. She was mildly lethargic at this time and just not Jewel. We took her to the pet ER as her Primary Vet was unavailable. They were not accepting new patients unless critical. The did check her vital signs and based on her presentation said she did not fit the ER profile.

When we got home, she still did not eat or drink water and she just did not look right. Well off to Annapolis to another ER where she was admitted. Her CBC had an elevated white count to indicate an infection. She was admitted for two nights and given IV fluids and antibiotics. On Sunday, they were discharging her and we picked her up. Her face looked awkward. We brought her home and she rested and she ate only about a 1/4 cup of chicken. She again laid down but while sitting up. I put a pillow under her to keep her head elevated and she slept. She still wasn't right and her left cheek was a little more swollen. We went back to the ER last evening and she was admitted. Jewel's cheek was puffed would think an abscess. This time they again gave her fluids and antibiotics as well as pain meds. We called to check on her and she was resting comfortably. Like her first trip, the ER would call if there was a change in her condition. A surgical consult would be done on Monday morning (today).

We received a call from Jewel's surgeon who said there was an inner ear infection and surgery needed to be performed. We authorized a CT Scan to pinpoint the infection and the surgery. She is scheduled for 0900 hours tomorrow for scan and then surgery.

As if 2021 was not bad enough...2022 is not off to a good start.

Please keep Jewel in thoughts and prayers. Thanx.
So sorry y'all going through this. Poor baby. sending positive vibes and prayers for Jewel. Hope she feels better soon.
On Friday 1/21/22, Jewel just did not eat. When she laid down, she was in the the sitting position (keeping her head above the level of her body). She looked at me all the time as I was watching the TV and her was a look of "Daddy, I don't feel good or I have to go potty." I took her outside and she did her business. Her stool was the consistency of pudding. We do give her Prilosec daily for her reflux and thought her actions were consistent with a gastroenteritis. She was mildly lethargic at this time and just not Jewel. We took her to the pet ER as her Primary Vet was unavailable. They were not accepting new patients unless critical. The did check her vital signs and based on her presentation said she did not fit the ER profile.

When we got home, she still did not eat or drink water and she just did not look right. Well off to Annapolis to another ER where she was admitted. Her CBC had an elevated white count to indicate an infection. She was admitted for two nights and given IV fluids and antibiotics. On Sunday, they were discharging her and we picked her up. Her face looked awkward. We brought her home and she rested and she ate only about a 1/4 cup of chicken. She again laid down but while sitting up. I put a pillow under her to keep her head elevated and she slept. She still wasn't right and her left cheek was a little more swollen. We went back to the ER last evening and she was admitted. Jewel's cheek was puffed would think an abscess. This time they again gave her fluids and antibiotics as well as pain meds. We called to check on her and she was resting comfortably. Like her first trip, the ER would call if there was a change in her condition. A surgical consult would be done on Monday morning (today).

We received a call from Jewel's surgeon who said there was an inner ear infection and surgery needed to be performed. We authorized a CT Scan to pinpoint the infection and the surgery. She is scheduled for 0900 hours tomorrow for scan and then surgery.

As if 2021 was not bad enough...2022 is not off to a good start.

Please keep Jewel in thoughts and prayers. Thanx.
I am so very sorry to hear all of this. Needless to say I don't have a very high opinion of the money grubbing pigs you had to and are dealing with. So few go into these sort of professions for the right reasons. Too many play on emotions and gouge the pocket books.
On Friday 1/21/22, Jewel just did not eat. When she laid down, she was in the the sitting position (keeping her head above the level of her body). She looked at me all the time as I was watching the TV and her was a look of "Daddy, I don't feel good or I have to go potty." I took her outside and she did her business. Her stool was the consistency of pudding. We do give her Prilosec daily for her reflux and thought her actions were consistent with a gastroenteritis. She was mildly lethargic at this time and just not Jewel. We took her to the pet ER as her Primary Vet was unavailable. They were not accepting new patients unless critical. The did check her vital signs and based on her presentation said she did not fit the ER profile.

When we got home, she still did not eat or drink water and she just did not look right. Well off to Annapolis to another ER where she was admitted. Her CBC had an elevated white count to indicate an infection. She was admitted for two nights and given IV fluids and antibiotics. On Sunday, they were discharging her and we picked her up. Her face looked awkward. We brought her home and she rested and she ate only about a 1/4 cup of chicken. She again laid down but while sitting up. I put a pillow under her to keep her head elevated and she slept. She still wasn't right and her left cheek was a little more swollen. We went back to the ER last evening and she was admitted. Jewel's cheek was puffed would think an abscess. This time they again gave her fluids and antibiotics as well as pain meds. We called to check on her and she was resting comfortably. Like her first trip, the ER would call if there was a change in her condition. A surgical consult would be done on Monday morning (today).

We received a call from Jewel's surgeon who said there was an inner ear infection and surgery needed to be performed. We authorized a CT Scan to pinpoint the infection and the surgery. She is scheduled for 0900 hours tomorrow for scan and then surgery.

As if 2021 was not bad enough...2022 is not off to a good start.

Please keep Jewel in thoughts and prayers. Thanx.
Please keep us posted on the sweet girl!
Hi Roger, I hope Jewels is on the mend soon!

With love, Nu and Stu

BTW Stu retires on Feb 11th! Long time coming. We are back in LA now - moved off the mountain and back to civilization
January 27, 2022-Jewel is still in the hospital. Her last update from her vet surgeon this morning is she is doing well. She is now eating a little and resting comfortably. Iv still going and she has a vacuum drain on her and will stay on for two weeks. Hardcore antibiotics are being given to her by injection. Hopefully she can come home tomorrow in time for yet another nor'easter. She is on pain meds.

We were told the abscess opened up during her prep and a culture was taken. The vet said that infections of this type happen about 1-2% of the time after ear canal surgery she had and leave to Jewel to be in the stat. We were told that the nerve that controls blinking was involved and that we will have to put ointment in her eye twice daily forever or until she regains the function of blinking.

Thanks EBN for your kind thoughts, words and prayers. I will post another update tomorrow.

On another note, please be careful driving as I was involved in a vehicle accident yesterday. No one hurt and I did a sign of the cross (spectacles, testicles, wallet and watch :unsure:). In other words, watch out for the other guy/gal while driving. Yes 2022 starting out on the down side.
Thank God nobody hurt...and you are able to focus your attention on Jewel's recovery.
I'll be watching out for the "other guy" always. It's certainly wild out on the roadway. Where we are, hardly anyone gets pulled over, ticketed for anything nowadays...and too many idiot drivers know this and act accordingly.
Hi Roger, I hope Jewels is on the mend soon!

With love, Nu and Stu

BTW Stu retires on Feb 11th! Long time coming. We are back in LA now - moved off the mountain and back to civilization

Please see update January 27, 2022.

Hey Stu...congratulations on the announcement of your retirement and thank you for your service to this great nation. Nu...I am still waiting for my Tommy's Chili Cheeseburger (Rampart and Beverly: ) and my Manuel Special from the El Tepeyac ). Stu never followed through. Only go in the daytime though if at all.

Where will you guys retire to if I may ask?
Thank God nobody hurt...and you are able to focus your attention on Jewel's recovery.
I'll be watching out for the "other guy" always. It's certainly wild out on the roadway. Where we are, hardly anyone gets pulled over, ticketed for anything nowadays...and too many idiot drivers know this and act accordingly.
Thank you Chip.

Is there a Bulldog "Stock" being held anytime soon...April like a few years back before this Covid crap hit?
January 28, 2022-Jewel is home. On pain med...Fentanyl patch, antibiotics, and a drain. She is very alert and active and she is famished as we are giving her poached chicken breast.

She reminds me of becoming one with the Borg Collective...Resistance is futile. See below.

Attachments 20220128_110434.jpg

Sending big time prayer:pray: for Jewel and your family. So sorry that you have had to go through one trauma after another.

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