I wanted to share some positive news..


Delilah's Personal Slave
Community Veteran
Feb 26, 2011
Bulldog(s) Names
I figured I'd share some positive news with you guys.

I basically just decided I'm going to do what makes me happy. Haven't told my mom about my plans yet, not sure if it's a good idea after listening to her and her ex boyfriend who still lives with us fighting and screaming and throwing stuff around today..which ended up with me leaving the house.

Anyways. I applied at Petco last friday just for a position to be a "pet salon assistant." Basically doing dog baths and cleaning up in the salon. I know a manager from Petco, and I went and talked to her today. She was like, "I really want you to get hired here" haha, and went and found the store manager that does the hiring and introduced me to him. He was very interested in me and asked why I wanted to work in there, and I told him my plans to become a groomer. He seemed impressed, asked about my availability. I said I was just looking for part time through december, since I was in school but after that could take on more hours. He said that was perfect because they were just looking for a part time person right now, 15 to 25 hours a week.

he then took me over to the pet salon and introduced me to the salon manager. She seemed interested in me as well after I told her about all my experience with animals and about how I've been doing my own grooming in my house. She and the store manager went over my application some and she came back to me and said she would be willing to train me how to groom..free. So I wouldn't even have to go to school. She said how fast I learn everything is dependent on how well I learn it, lol.

So the store manager said he's going to call me Tuesday about setting up an interview. Fingers crossed for me!!
:dancing:... This is WHAT we were talking about Lauren! This is great..positive news and a major step in the right direction. No more negativity..think and envision the place you will be! A chance to learn is worth so much..and getting paid is even better!! Good job!
That is fantastic... great work following through on what you want. best of luck.

And, thanks, I needed that news.
congrats! Your mom should be glad you sound a job too!
woot wooot good to hear good news!! yeah

nothing like doing something you like. :yes:
That's fantastic Lauren!!! Fingers crossed.

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Good for you, I'm so happy you may get this job, and a great place to learn. WAY TO GO LAUREN WOO HOO!!
I am so happy for you. You are going to do great!!!!!
Congrats! That sounds like a great place to start and I'm sure you will be a great asset to them! Happy for you!
This is a classic example of "meant to be"..... Good for you! Did you know that my hero, Cesar Millan, started out as a dog groomer? He was the guy who could manage the rowdy customers...and the rest is history. Go forth and kick bootay!

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