I think its time to get a GASMASK!!


New member
Mar 24, 2010
Orange Park,FL
Bulldog(s) Names
It is night time and for some odd reason all the furkids have to sleep near me when i'm studying. Well it never fails after about 10 minutes the stink bombs and nauseous gas starts. I am literally sitting here with my shirt over my face waiting to breath. Its even worse when i go to bed because georgia sleeps at my feet, Mrbeefy sleeps on his pillow by my bed and baby joe sleeps either at my feet or by my bed also. I usually put the covers over my head and put vicks under my nose so I can't smell the BULLY FARTS!!! I really need to get a gasmask.:poo::down:

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the easy button, if you press it will a gas mask pop up at the house???
LOL as my brother always told me.... Whoever smelt it dealt it....
In our house now..it's no longer "who did it?".. it's "Oh God, Chester farted!"
LOL my son always says," Mom Mr.Beepy farted AGAIN!!" but we found out Baby Joe has bad gas too when she was sleeping on my sons head and he heart pssssst... I almost died cause her butt was right by his face:lol:
yup in our house its either leexxx or jeeefff "dad" and jeff always tries to blame his on lex or one of us lol

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