Huge tahks to everyone


Supreme Overlord of Awesomeness
Community Veteran
Dec 31, 2010
Bulldog(s) Names
Thank you to everyone who responded to my crazy frantic post. I just noticed it was in the polls section. I wans't even thinking at that time. The vet said to watch him and call if anything changes but he should be fine.Ive finally calmed down and feel like the worst parent in the world. You guys are the best . So glad I found this place.
You are welcome. It is nice to have someone to turn to when you are freaking out :eek:
whew, I am glad you can rest a little. Just keep an eye on Dozer but I am sure he will be fine.
Anytime that is what we are
here for. I'm sure he will be fine.

Speaking of fine where is Jozi?
Its to quite in here!!

Oh..I am so thankful that Dozer is OK! I was sick to my stomach thinking he might have ingested that. :whew:
So far normal Dozer, ea,t bark because im not paying attention to him, chew, sleep, potty, bark becuase the cat isnt paying attention to him, chew chew chew, sleep SNORE lol I think we are good, Again I am so greatful for all of your concerns for us it means a lot to us.
That's what this site is for! I know if Bertie ate poison, or somehting bad, I would be frantic and freaking out too! She's my baby!
I know what you mean!!! This board is Heaven sent. I had a problem with Bear and it was late here on the East Coast to call my breeder and I actually looked up a breeder on the West coast to ask them a question because I was freaking out and figured they'd be awake. The breeder I got a hold of I can't remember but she was in AZ and was sooooo helpful. This website was posted on her webpage and she directed me here and I've been on it ever since.
Soooo glad Dozer seems to be okay! What a scary scary situation! I know I would have freaked out too....they are our babies and it is horrible when something happens to them!

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