Housebreaking help!


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Apr 15, 2010
Southern Illinois/Florida
Bulldog(s) Names
Princess Alberta (Bertie) Barkghesi
Bertie just turned 6 months old on the 16th of July. I got her at about 14-15 weeks of age. She learned real fast that outside was the place to go potty and I had no problems with her going outside to potty.
In the last month, she has decided that she would rather go potty inside and she now refuses to go outside. I take her outside and we stay out quite awhile and she will not do anything...sometimes she will squat and pee, but that is about it. Then when I bring her back inside, she does her business inside. Every single time now, she will go outside and then as soon as she gets in the house, she will pee and poop.
Anyone have any suggestions on what to do? Like I said this has just started in the last month.
I have to LOL at this one. I am having the same exact problem with Yuna and planned on posting about it :) She was completely potty trained at 12 weeks of age, and now she just keeps going in her crate. Both, pee and poo. So I need help too! She is 5.5 months.
Oh boy I am glad this is you both and not me. hehe. Not really any help since I havent had this problem so much but with my boys they would do anything for a cookie so I bribed them to go outside with carrots and stuff and they know that they will come in from doing their business and get some snacks, to this day. I am sure you will get good advice from others who have dealt with this.
Could it be the heat? Florida and Arizona are pretty dang hot right now. If I was an EB, I'd rather take my time in a nice cool house rather than try to do my business outside in THAT heat. Just a thought, cause I really have no clue. Although, here is something for you to laugh at....Earlier this week Orion was being mouthy. She was just barking at nothing. Standing ontop of her crate looking at me and just bark, bark, barking. I had finally had enough and I sprayed her with some water (which she tried to catch in her mouth) I said in a very stern voice.."O-rion! Be quiet! Get over here and lay down!" Guess what she did? Exactly what I told her. She shutup. She came over to me on the couch. Sat on my leg........and PEED!!! I guess she was trying to tell me she wanted to go outside......except she was nowhere near the back door. That reminds guys have got to read "The Art of Racing in the Rain. It's a fantastic book on a dog's view.

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I'm going through a similar issue with my little one...if you're somewhere warm and have any xeriscaping, I've been taking the puppy out on the rocks and he seems to prefer going there to the grass - I think because he associated a soft surface (bed, rug, couch) with things NOT to pee on. Of course, he's totally not potty trained (work in progress) so I guess I don't have any good suggestions for a bullie that knows better but chooses to go where he or she wants...stubborn!
I decided to try something. Yesterday, I put tin-foil on the window of the room where Yuna sleeps. Tacky= I know. But temporary :)

In Arizona, it is getting light outside at around 5:30 am. I wake up around 6-6:30-ish. Well, she did not go potty, so maybe I am on to something here.....
Libra that is hilarious! You got what you asked for didnt you?!?!?!?
Desertsky that i smart, if she is sleeping she wont have to pee yet. hehe
It's been so long since I had to potty train my furbabies and they were easy so I'm not sure what I would suggest, sorry!

Oh Libra, that little Orion is quite a handful isn't she!
It's been so long since I had to potty train my furbabies and they were easy so I'm not sure what I would suggest, sorry!

Oh Libra, that little Orion is quite a handful isn't she!

More than you know!
I'm in Illinois right now, but it has been very hot here! I really think she is testing me! I have been taking treats outside with me and she gets it if she pottys outside. Then I take my Cocker Spaniel out and Bertie will be watching out the stormdoor....if Dexter goes, I make sure she sees me giving him a treat. I making sure she potty, no treat! I figure I have tried just about I am at my wits end!
Oh I hope someone has some helpful advice ? Diesel is 11 weeks, when we go outside, he will pee and poo.. then come inside, and STILL go again !! it doesnt matter where, in the kitchen on the stairs, in the hall.. just wherever the mood hits and its not very much just a tiny puddle.. we have tried using the crate, he doesnt care, he will piddle and poo in there too ! as soon as he walks into it, we have tried everything and still are ! taking the snacks outside with us, and using Voice control " GOOD BOY " as soon as he does his business rewarding with a treat.. he STILL comes back in and does it again, he just went out he tinkled 3 times and as i sat here and typed this he JUST did it again !! right in front of me !!!! arrrghhh.. any suggestions ??? He is NOT going to the door, or even giving us any warning, just squats and goes.. ANYWHERE AND EVERYWHERE ~..
Diesel is still really young and probably doesn't know when he's going to go yet himself. Give it some time. It stinks (literally) but I have a 14 week old pup and at 11 weeks, he was the same way. He still is not housebroken but he's getting better slowly. It's frustrating but if you try to remember to keep doing what you are doing and realize that Diesel isn't doing it on purpose and just doing what comes natural to him, it may help. (Although it didn't help me when my pup pooped in the house yesterday and as I cleaned that up, he peed in another room!) You are doing the right things though, it just takes time.
Oh, you poor thing. After reading about Diesel, I'm feeling much better about Gertie! She is also 11 weeks old and having her little ups and downs in the housetraining dept. But our problem with her is the opposite of yours, I think. She goes outside and doesn't go. Since we're in Az. and it's hotter than an oven out there, we come in and then she goes on the floor. I have been putting her right in her crate if she doesn't go while we're out, because luckily, she doesn't ever go in her crate. When she does go on the floor, I just scold her and take her right back outside, hoping she'll make the connection that 1) I'm not happy with what she did, and 2) she needs to do that OUT HERE! As often as he pees, do you think he could have a bladder infection or something? That seems like a LOT. Gertie only pees once (a good amount) and then she doesn't go again for a while. And she drinks a lot of water thru out the hot days here. Good luck. Hopefully we'll both soon be past this.
oh Good Luck to us all ~ for the time being i think i am keeping the towel company in business,, teehee.. we actually went for a ride in the car yesterday, funny he held it the whole time, wimpered once so we stopped and guess what he PIDDLED !!!! ok so he's " car broke " but not house broke ????? arrrrrrrghhhhhhhhh i say this as im washing out his crate again this morning,, from a soakin wet night last night.. UGH.. CMon Diesel i KNOW you can do it ~! lol

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