Hoping she joins


I couldn't make this sh*t up if I tried!
Jul 21, 2010
Bradenton Fl.
Bulldog(s) Names
So before I found this EB site, I found another one that I joined a couple months before. I went to it occasionally and just did not like it. Then I found this one and became addicted. It is so much more informative and supportive. The other site people would not even post for days in a row. Anyway to get to my point..I have a friend on the other site named Kris, she has 2 bullys and has had her hands full allergies, smelly dogs, fighting between the two dogs, potty issues etc. I logged on today to see she is really at her wits end and is going to re-home one/both of them because she can't handle the fighting. I recommended THIS SITE to her and hopefully she will join. So if a new member named Kris joins, she is going to need LOTS of support. Her bullys names are Eddie and Leroy.
YEA!!! Just got a personal email from kris, she has never heard of this site before and is in the process of signing up right now. 2 new bullies will be joining us, along with kris!!
Thats great! I completely agree I was recommended another forum/site when I first got Silva (over a year ago) and went on it for maybe a week but didnt like it, then when I found this site I was so ahppy! :luv:
Thank you so much for referring them to us, that means so much! I hope we can give them the support they need.

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