Hope everyone is well...


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Community Veteran
Jun 2, 2010
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Gosh I haven't been on in over a week and honestly I am trying to catch up and will continue to try. I sincerely miss everyone and the bullies and with so many new members my head is spinning. All I can say is POST PHOTOS!!!!!

I did manage to vote for the photo contest :up:

An update for me:

Bear is doing great. I am having issue with him jumping, or shall I say leaping that I am trying to get him to calm down. I also started to use his slow feeder bowl to give him his water so he doesn't duck his whole head in the bowl and inhale water which the dummy started to do.

I think he is small. How big are bullies supposed to be at 13 months? I don't know his weight but he is slender and short, not very wide yet.
He is still a table dog though I am being more stern about him getting on it, its not cute anymore I want to use it :D

My son is acting up in school, the vice principal called to let me know he was excluded from afternoon activities the other day because he was burping too loud and then arguing with everyone that he wasn't faking :crazy: He is the class clown, everyone likes him but he likes attention. I don't know what to do with him...

Now for me, still working on getting contractor work finished, there was a delay waiting on flooring, then the contractor's wife got in a car accident then he hurt his back. ARGGHHH. not sure what is true or not but I want this all over. I have other major things going on I won't get into but its stressful and I am completely STRESSED :*( They say God works in mysterious ways...

I needed to get my bully fix though and I feel so much better. Love you guys :luv::heart::bully:


Aug 4, 2010
Milwaukee, WI
Bulldog(s) Names
(HRH) Her Royal Highness Princess Gracie & Princess Amelia Pond (Amy)
We all go through cycles. Sometimes hectic, sometimes frustrating, sometimes tragic, sometimes calm.
Hoping you get to a calm spell soon!


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Jan 13, 2011
Burlington, Vermont
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Mocha Bubbles
Its hard to take when your kids get in trouble. As a mother it hurts and you feel like you have done something wrong. My kids are now 16 and 14 and they are pretty good kids but sometimes they have a way of steering in the wrong path. All we can do is give simple and clear rules and if they are broken, stick with the punishment. Its action and consecuence. All moms together now~ Breath in~Breath out:heart:


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Jan 28, 2010
Tucson, Arizona
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The Home of the Desert Sky Pack
We sure missed you, glad you got an EBN fix cuz I was starting to need a mammy & Bear fix! :up:


Hang in there chick it can only get better :)
The forums gone crazy mad today....quiet and sedate for a few days then BAMM!
I go to work and 10 million posts, old friends and new with loads of exciting pics to see.
Take care [MENTION=676]mammyglicks[/MENTION] give bear a big hug and take a breather xxx


Jul 31, 2010
Grafton, OHIO
Bulldog(s) Names
Maggie (My Angel Baby 5/31/2012). Daddy (2 years). Linus (1year). Bella (4 years)
Was wondering where you are .............. big :hug:

Just take every hour, one at a time! Things always fall into the right places - some just a little faster than others so just sit back and enjoy the ride!


Mar 28, 2010
Southern California
Bulldog(s) Names
Cutty, Miila and Mugsy the pug :)
There you are!!! This place is getting crazy for sure! If it helps and you are overwhelmed trying to catch up at some point just say ok I need to start over and click the mark everything read button. Then you will have a fresh start with the new posts and it wont be so crazy jumping in. Thats what I have to do actually every few days it seems. Otherwise it makes me anxious having so many that need looked at.
Sorry you are having a rough time, just think this time next year it will be funny~I hope! :hug:

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