Help with Tulip Ears!

Vanize Andrade

New member
Sep 1, 2011
Bulldog(s) Names
Piper, Mooney, Lear Panda and Pitts
Hello All,

I just posted an introduction thread on the introduction forum.

I have 2 English Bulldog puppies from different breeders.

My beloved female called Piper is 4 months old and she has Tulip ears. Please check her pictures attached.

I got help from Jose here in South Florida (a member of this forum) and we glued her ears for 3 weeks. We did see a small result, but her ears are still pretty much erect.

We left it alone for 3 weeks, and we will re-glue one more time next week.

The breeder is not being helpful at all. But he suggested I find a experienced vet to stitch her ears so the cartilage can be broken. Have you guys ever heard of this procedure in English Bulldogs?

Any other suggestion?

Thanks a lot. Any help is really really appreciated.

Vanize photo 1.jpgPiperEars.jpg
Aww I think the ears are adorable, lol.

I have no idea about the gluing or anything.
Very cute pup, I would not do anything with the ears, especially if you are not going to show her.


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Aww bless, she's adorable :love: I've never heard of stitching the ears, but then I'd never heard of gluing either until a member had a bad experience with it.

Yeah, me. Dont worry about the ears. When she gets older and stops teething they should "rose" for ya. :heart: :heart:
I love her ears!! I didn't realize bully's had to have them "fixed". If it's not necessary I'd leave them be.
She is very cute.... I heard of 'taping' the ears but never gluing or stitching.
She is perfect s is....
I glued Dozers ears because they were quite floppy and his mother had tulip ears. MY vet said NOT to stitch them that the cartilage doesn't break like people think. The problem you face is she is already pretty much too old for gluing them to work very well. Just love them
I agree with the rest of the pack. As for gluing, I know it should only be done by someone who really knows what they're doing and has done it before. If she's not showing, and she's happy , she's gorgeous, just the way she is
I won't be showing her. I guess I just feel frustrated since the breeder told me she had perfect rose ears.. I didn't know better. Some people just take advantage of others in order to make money.. very sad.

I wanted her to look like an English Bulldog, not like a French Bulldog LOL :-)

But yes. she is adorable, very playfull and I love her color.

One more picture...
photo 3 (2).jpg
She absolutely does look like an English Bulldog! with the cutest ears :)
But i can understand your frustration w/what the breeder told you. Still, you have yourself a little doll. No need to do anything w/this beautiful girl!
She absolutely does look like an English Bulldog! with the cutest ears :)<br>But i can understand your frustration w/what the breeder told you. Still, you have yourself a little doll. No need to do anything w/this beautiful girl!
Oh My Gosh! I love her ears the way they are. They give her so much personality. Don't do anything to her ears. Sending lots of kissies most of them landing on the ears. She's so beautiful and her name is beautiful too! And she looks like a English Bulldog. I had a French Bulldog and they look nothing like Piper. Sorry the breeder misled you but I haven't seen too many perfect rose ears anyway. Just love her and if she's playful like you say consider yourself lucky. She will bring you so much joy. Mostly you need to concentrate on keeping her happy and healthy and putting lots of pictures on EBN so we can ooh and ahh.:yes:

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