

New member
Oct 25, 2010
Currently San Diego and Portland in 2012
Bulldog(s) Names
Maggie and Winnie

My name is Missy and I recently adopted a lovely little girl from our local shelter about 3 weeks ago.

Maggie was brought into the shelter as a stray (along with another bulldog they believed came from the same home). Our vet examined her and it was concluded that she was most likely used for breeding by a puppy mill due to the condition of her teats and the issues with her insides which resulted in an emergency operation.

She was a very sick and sad little thing when we got her home originally and has a whole new happy personality since her operation.

She has successfully stolen both mine and my husbands heart and we want to give her the best care possible. I joined this forum so that I could learn from people with more experience in properly caring for her.

This is her post operation:
Oh My!!! What a beaut!!!! Oh, and welcome to the best place on earth!!!
Oh my she is a beautiful girl!!!! :heart:

If you have any questions at all, just ask. We have THE best group of bully lovers here, and they are all so helpful and wonderful peeps!
Welcome Missy!!!! Your Gurl is SOOOO PRETTY!!! We loves pics, stories about bully antics and can help you with just about any question you have! This will be a new hobby(addiction) for you before you know it!!
What a lucky girl and beautiful, you have to post more pics. to have found you as a mommy, this is a fantastic site and as gatorfan85 said, you will be an addict in no time at all. This site has turned me and my Vegas around and down the right path. Welcome!
Welcome! Can't wait to hear stories and see more pics! You're gonna love this site!
Welcome Missy and Maggie!
Welcome ... she is so pretty!! :luv:

My little girl is called Maggie too!!! :up:
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welcome Missy and Maggie.... you found the right place .... your baby girl is beautiful.
Ditto...ditto....ditto and ummmm yep ditto that too! What's left to say? Welcome!

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