Hello to all our new freinds


New member
Oct 30, 2010
So. Indiana
Bulldog(s) Names
Sir Frederick (Fred)
Hi I really am happy I found this group. I am hoping Fred and I will find some old friends from another site and most of all make new ones. :luv:

"My best friend is a Bullie" :yes:
Welcome Teresa! So nice to meet you :)

Cannot wait to hear more about your Fred, and Pongo & Kiki too!
English bulldog (Fred)
Cat (Pongo)
B/G Macaw (KiKi), You will make tins of great new friends here, I know I have. We are glad to have all of you here and look forward to hering stories sharing information and also we LOVE pics not just of bullies we have an "other pets" forum so u can post pics of Pongo and Kiki.
Hello and welcome!!!

Pongo! .... That is a fantastic name for a cat!! :up:
Welcome to your new addiction. There is no cure, so be aware. Also, we love video!
I want to thank everyone :heart:

Do a lot of you use Image Shack ? Or who do you think is best ?
Photobucket photos load faster than imageshack, but you have to have a photobucket account. To make albums in your profile you will add them with our image uploader, which is a bit more confusing, but we have tutorials on all 3 uploaders :)

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