Hello from Toronto


New member
Apr 11, 2011
Toronto, Ontario
Bulldog(s) Names
So glad I found this site! Im Anna from Toronto, ontario, I have a one and a half year old EBD named Gregory. He is not your typical laid back lazy boy, he has tons of energy and loves to party as my fiance says. Looking forward to talk to you all, and getting lots of advice from fellow bully parents.
Welcome fellow Torontonian! I won't be surprised if you get as addicted as we regulars do to this site. Gregory's such an awesome name and can't wait to see pics!
Glad your here
and Gregory! is a cool name for your boy...looking forward to seeing pics of him and hearing about his Partying :)
Welcome aboard! We LOVE pics, videos and stories so share please! Also if you have any questions feel free to ask! :)
Welcome! So glad you found us, let us know if you have any questions! Gregory is a doll!
Welcome you will love this site just as much as everyone loves pics of bullies, I hope you learn as much as I have since I have joined. Cindy and the gang

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