Hello from Amber and her owner, Caroline


New member
Feb 27, 2018
United Kingdom
Bulldog(s) Names

We would like to introduce ourselves.... Amber who is 3 months old and her owner, Caroline. We live in Edinburgh.

This is a quick intro, as we are in our hyperactive time of the evening..... nippy and overexcitable. We are working hard on emotion
control.... high fives and skateboard training well underway, but as for trouser legs... on my 4th repair already in one month!

Will put on photo when I have transferred my files.

good day to everyone

Amber and Caroline
Welcome and nice to meet you. Looking forward to pictures :)
Welcome!! Looking forward to seeing pics of Amber and if you have any questions, don't be scared to ask!
Welcome to EBN and puppy shark phase

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Welcome to you Amber and your human Caroline!! Can't wait to see photos!! Joey and I say HELLO :)

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