Hello everyone, new Bully owner and new to this forum, have some questions???


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Sep 14, 2012
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My wife and I picked up Sherman off of Craigs list here in Chicago. He is a 4yr old male fawn pure Bully that is very gentile and sweet. We have 2 boys, 2 and 4, that are adjusting well to Sherman!

Everything is going well with the exception of a few things that some of you may be able to help me with. Sherman has not been neutered yet and has been marking the house by my chair in the family room and in my boys room! He WILL be getting neutered next week when Dr. is back from vacation. For now he is in his cage while we are at work. I REALLY hope that after he is neutered he will stop marking as this is a very serious problem and if it is not corrected, we will be finding Sherman a new home as I will not tolerate a dog to mark up my house!

Sherman is on Blue dog food and no table scraps of any kind. We have noticed that our house smells like dog, not wet dog but just dog smell. He has had several oatmeal baths and it just seems that when you give him a hug he smells like dog. I REALLY need to get rid of this smell. It is not his ears, anal glands, or his diet as I have gone through these issues and the smell is still there. The vet is going to check him out next week to diagnose the smell issue. He is not on any medications and has no know health issues currently.

And last, this may seem a little gross but I have noticed little dots on my kitchen floor, about the size of a pea and milky yellow in color. I come to find out that it is leaking from his penis. His little red rocket popped out one day and I noticed this really gross milky yellow stuff around the outside of his penis! What in the world is this? I have not ever seen him clean himself down there, maybe because he is to lazy! Do I as the owner need to clean down there to prevent this from returning! What do I clean it with?

Any help on these issues would be great! I am still trying to figure my way around this forum as it is different than other forums that I have been on!

Thanks Brian


Snookie ain't got nuttin on me!
Feb 6, 2012
New Jersey
Bulldog(s) Names
Brutus (EBD 6/4/11), Chanel (Pitbull 12/23/06)
:hiya: Brian and Sherman! Glad you joined us! As far as marking Im really no help...Brutus was neutuered at 8 months and never marked...He had loads of accidents but never lifted and peed on things(just my floor lol) I would for now keep him very close to you and block areas so you can constantly supervise him. Its going to take sometime but go back to puppy potty training. As far as his smell its most likely the food he is eating? You gone through food ? Have you tried other food instead of Blue? It could be the grains or something in the food. Could be something else but mot likely the food is the cause...

Others will be by shortley with more advice for you!


Aug 4, 2010
Milwaukee, WI
Bulldog(s) Names
(HRH) Her Royal Highness Princess Gracie & Princess Amelia Pond (Amy)
The neutering should help with the marking. Just getting used to "home" could stop it too.
The dog smell is likely something he is allergic to in the food he is eating. HRH smelled bad on other foods, but doesn't on the Fromm Beef Frittata. You may need to try several sifferent foods to find what works best for your bully. But just be sure to do a slow transition to avoid stomach upset and possible worse issues than dog odor.
i have read about the discharge in other threads some time ago, so hopefully someone else with experience will see this and respond soon.


Jul 31, 2010
Grafton, OHIO
Bulldog(s) Names
Maggie (My Angel Baby 5/31/2012). Daddy (2 years). Linus (1year). Bella (4 years)
:welcome: I would hope that the neutering will take away some of his urges to mark, but it also may be because he is in a new home suddenly and very stressed out at these new surroundings. As he become more comfortable and relaxed the marking may go away naturally.

I agree with everybody else, in that he smells bad because of the food he is on. It can take a few different brands before you find the right one for your bully!! I too use the Fromm that [MENTION=983]LariP[/MENTION] mentioned. If you decide to try it then it is the 4* range that is the best. Slow transition him when you change food, increasing the amount of the new food and decreasing the old food every few days. When I transition mine, I usually take about 10 days total. Once you get him on the new food it can take approx 30 days for the old food to totally clear out of his system. So do give it time!!

When you take him to your vets I would mention the discharge. It could be normal or it may not. I would certainly get it checked out!!!

If you have any other questions please come and ask at this forum. Please don't give up on him too soon!!! :crying:


I'm not OCD....now who moved my bulldog?
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Jul 28, 2011
Gilbertsville, PA
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Chelios (Frenchie), Cubby (Frenchie) Nitschke (2004-2011) Banks (2005-2014) and Lambeau (2014-2024)


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Sep 27, 2012
Chicago, IL
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Welcome! I'm curious did the previous owner disclose any issues? If you don't mind me asking why was he looking to give the dog up? And on Craigslist none the less? As far as the food goes I would research into raw that way you can do trial and error to figure out what is not agreeing with him since he is new to you. Congrats on the new edition!

My wife and I picked up Sherman off of Craigs list here in Chicago. He is a 4yr old male fawn pure Bully that is very gentile and sweet. We have 2 boys, 2 and 4, that are adjusting well to Sherman!

Everything is going well with the exception of a few things that some of you may be able to help me with. Sherman has not been neutered yet and has been marking the house by my chair in the family room and in my boys room! He WILL be getting neutered next week when Dr. is back from vacation. For now he is in his cage while we are at work. I REALLY hope that after he is neutered he will stop marking as this is a very serious problem and if it is not corrected, we will be finding Sherman a new home as I will not tolerate a dog to mark up my house!

Sherman is on Blue dog food and no table scraps of any kind. We have noticed that our house smells like dog, not wet dog but just dog smell. He has had several oatmeal baths and it just seems that when you give him a hug he smells like dog. I REALLY need to get rid of this smell. It is not his ears, anal glands, or his diet as I have gone through these issues and the smell is still there. The vet is going to check him out next week to diagnose the smell issue. He is not on any medications and has no know health issues currently.

And last, this may seem a little gross but I have noticed little dots on my kitchen floor, about the size of a pea and milky yellow in color. I come to find out that it is leaking from his penis. His little red rocket popped out one day and I noticed this really gross milky yellow stuff around the outside of his penis! What in the world is this? I have not ever seen him clean himself down there, maybe because he is to lazy! Do I as the owner need to clean down there to prevent this from returning! What do I clean it with?

Any help on these issues would be great! I am still trying to figure my way around this forum as it is different than other forums that I have been on!

Thanks Brian


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Sep 12, 2012
Vacaville, CA
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Everyone here has given you all the advise you would need, all I have to add to is the discharge from his penis. You DO have to clean him down there because they don't do it, or at least many others on here and my Stoagie doesn't. I usually only clean his with a cotton ball with warm water once a day, but your Shermans might have not been cleaned for so long it got infected, have it checked out by the vet but until then just clean it with warm water on a cotton ball making sure to get all the dirt and left over peepee off. Do know that this cleaning will be a regular thing. Don't give up on him, they are so worth it I promise you. Welcome to EBN!!!!
Last edited:


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Feb 16, 2012
Lexington, KY
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Hello and Welcome! Im sure the neutering will help the marking. We had our guy neutered prior to those urges, but that is just male dog behavior and him getting used to a new home. As others have said, the food will help the smell. Until our Tank, we had never had a big dog in the house and i was concerned about my house being smelly. When we first got him as a pup he was eating Nutros puppy. He always smelled like dog and so did my house. 2-3 days after bath, smelled like dog again. I was constantly washing pillows, bedding, dog bed, etc and Febreezed constantly. FINALLY with the wonderful advice from EBN, we changed food. He now eats Fromms Grain-free and no more smell. He can go weeks without a bath and still no smell! We do use Malecetic wipes every morning to wipe his face wrinkles, ears, chin, boy parts, his tail pocket and then his anus, in that order. It is up to us to help with the grooming, as these guys physical limitations do not allows them to self clean. But it's good to know what they havent been licking when they are giving kisses :) The vet may be able to help more when he gets a good going over. Glad you found your boys a great new friend. Bullies and Kids are a wonderful combination!

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Jan 15, 2011
Denver PA
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Jack , Dolly, Grizz, Peggy Sue, and Scrimps
Bulldogs can't physically clean themselves , they aren't built for it. A male dog does have a discharge, and a intact male has more discharge, it's normal for all breeds. This is your job, you may find a bit on the hind thighs, keep this area clean. I use a warm wet wash cloth. Cotton may leave fuzz behind that may get stuck somewhere it shouldn't. A warm wet wash cloth every couple of days will take that suff right off. Keep us posted on the smell and the discharge.


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Nov 28, 2010
Phoenix, AZ
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I used to call the discharge "snail trail" and it's kind of green/milky. I experienced that with my first male while he was a puppy. It should improve with neutering. Until then, like [MENTION=1714]Sherry[/MENTION] said, just wipe him down with a wet washcloth. It will probably also improve as you switch foods. I agree with everyone about the dog smell. Even if you feed a good food, it may not be good for your dog in particular.


Mar 11, 2011
Tip of the Mitt, Michigan
Bulldog(s) Names
Emma, Charlie, Milo, Peekaboo and Jack
Hi there and welcome to EBN! You have some very good advice up above. I had Wilson neutered when he was one for two reasons, he was marking and we brought Emma home. He still marks occasionally though and nothing I can do will stop that. It doesn't happen too often. He also marks his beds as well. I really think that is more like he's doing it when he sleeps though? [MENTION=2894]2BullyMama[/MENTION] is right though, Bulldogs aren't physically able to clean themselves by licking their boy parts like other dogs are. Wilson's in his kiddy pool all summer so I sorta forget about it. My older dog used to keep him clean which at the time I thought was disgusting but when realized it was actually for a physical reason I understood. When he passed the cleaning became my job, luckily I only have to do that in the off season, winter.

Texas Carol

Texas Carol....put the heart in EBN
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Jul 4, 2012
Central Texas
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Brutus & Cami live in Heaven
Welcome to EBN and to the wonders of Bully ownership! I was at Petsmart today and was asked
about owning a bulldog and my reply...it's not for everyone. My hope is that you don't give up on
him too quickly, these problems could and probably do, have simple solutions. The doggy smell
is probably from eating a food he is allergic too, grain free is best for bullies. Neutering will relieve
the urge to mark and his discharge may be from an infection, please have him checked for that.

If owning a bulldog is not for you please let me offer to take him as I've adopted a 5 y/o male and
am looking to adopt another Bully. Brutus gets along with everyone and everything and it sounds
like Sherman is as easygoing too.

I will keep you and your family in my prayers that all will be resolved and quickly because your boys
could not have a better dog to love them. Do keep my offer in mind if not as I will give Sherman a great
and loving home. Texas Carol & Brutus


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Jan 28, 2010
Tucson, Arizona
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:welcome: great advice above, just wanted to say Hi :)

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