Hail from Thor and the family!


New member
Dec 10, 2022
Tucson, AZ, USA
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Hello all, my name is Joshua but I go by Ruthless, and my family just adopted The Meaty Thor! Thor is a gentle giant who loves kiddos and his squeaky moose. He was originally found by a couple living in their neighbors yard year round in the Tucson heat. They asked the owner if they would be willing to surrender him so he could get better care and a safe home. Surprisingly the answer was yes. This kind couple brought him in, provided him fresh food and water, got him a kennel and travel kennel, leash and collar and best of all he could spend his days inside out of the heat. After a few weeks of watching him recover they decided to find him a permanent home with someone who could not only care for medical needs but love him unconditionally. Here is where we come in, my wife has known that I have been looking for a bully for almost 10 years but due to having 5 kiddos, 2 lizards, a snake, fish and a hamster I was hesitant because I didn't want anyone to go without. My wife woke me up one day last week and said, "Get in the car we are going to get an English for you!" Needless to say, I ran to the car in sleep shorts and slide on shoes. We met the couple at their home and met Thor (Then Rambo) and it was love at first site. I was on their floor in seconds playing and cuddling and possibly crying a little(jury is still out) haha. Thor has been home with us, getting nail trims, bathes, play time, healthy foods, rubs and scratches, and more love than I even thought we had. Within the next 30 days Thor will be getting all his shots, fixed, groomed and of course day after day of love and affection. Thanks for reading my rant! We are excited to be here!


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Hello all, my name is Joshua but I go by Ruthless, and my family just adopted The Meaty Thor! Thor is a gentle giant who loves kiddos and his squeaky moose. He was originally found by a couple living in their neighbors yard year round in the Tucson heat. They asked the owner if they would be willing to surrender him so he could get better care and a safe home. Surprisingly the answer was yes. This kind couple brought him in, provided him fresh food and water, got him a kennel and travel kennel, leash and collar and best of all he could spend his days inside out of the heat. After a few weeks of watching him recover they decided to find him a permanent home with someone who could not only care for medical needs but love him unconditionally. Here is where we come in, my wife has known that I have been looking for a bully for almost 10 years but due to having 5 kiddos, 2 lizards, a snake, fish and a hamster I was hesitant because I didn't want anyone to go without. My wife woke me up one day last week and said, "Get in the car we are going to get an English for you!" Needless to say, I ran to the car in sleep shorts and slide on shoes. We met the couple at their home and met Thor (Then Rambo) and it was love at first site. I was on their floor in seconds playing and cuddling and possibly crying a little(jury is still out) haha. Thor has been home with us, getting nail trims, bathes, play time, healthy foods, rubs and scratches, and more love than I even thought we had. Within the next 30 days Thor will be getting all his shots, fixed, groomed and of course day after day of love and affection. Thanks for reading my rant! We are excited to be here!


Thor is very cute and lucky to have found a home that will care for him.

How old is Thor?

What health issues does he have? You mentioned medical needs.

We are all here to help with any questions you may have and for health issues and diet related questions too I am very happy to help with🙂

Thor is very cute and lucky to have found a home that will care for him.

How old is Thor?

What health issues does he have? You mentioned medical needs.

We are all here to help with any questions you may have and for health issues and diet related questions too I am very happy to help with🙂
Thor is 3 years old or younger based on his dental check and tartar build up. As far as medical, I mean that I am prepared for anything that may arise beyond his hot spots and lack of being groomed properly. So far the only issue that has come up is he has been peeing in the house at night, we are slowly ruling out reasons such as not enough walking, anxiety from adjusting or anything else. We aren't stressed over it, just want to make sure he is comfortable and relaxed at home.
Thor is 3 years old or younger based on his dental check and tartar build up. As far as medical, I mean that I am prepared for anything that may arise beyond his hot spots and lack of being groomed properly. So far the only issue that has come up is he has been peeing in the house at night, we are slowly ruling out reasons such as not enough walking, anxiety from adjusting or anything else. We aren't stressed over it, just want to make sure he is comfortable and relaxed at home.
If he is not neutered yet, he could be marking his territory in your house.
Welcome! Not sure how long you have had him but he will also need time to adjust to his new home. And he might have not been house trained in his prior living conditions so I would start at the beginning with potty training.
Hello all, my name is Joshua but I go by Ruthless, and my family just adopted The Meaty Thor! Thor is a gentle giant who loves kiddos and his squeaky moose. He was originally found by a couple living in their neighbors yard year round in the Tucson heat. They asked the owner if they would be willing to surrender him so he could get better care and a safe home. Surprisingly the answer was yes. This kind couple brought him in, provided him fresh food and water, got him a kennel and travel kennel, leash and collar and best of all he could spend his days inside out of the heat. After a few weeks of watching him recover they decided to find him a permanent home with someone who could not only care for medical needs but love him unconditionally. Here is where we come in, my wife has known that I have been looking for a bully for almost 10 years but due to having 5 kiddos, 2 lizards, a snake, fish and a hamster I was hesitant because I didn't want anyone to go without. My wife woke me up one day last week and said, "Get in the car we are going to get an English for you!" Needless to say, I ran to the car in sleep shorts and slide on shoes. We met the couple at their home and met Thor (Then Rambo) and it was love at first site. I was on their floor in seconds playing and cuddling and possibly crying a little(jury is still out) haha. Thor has been home with us, getting nail trims, bathes, play time, healthy foods, rubs and scratches, and more love than I even thought we had. Within the next 30 days Thor will be getting all his shots, fixed, groomed and of course day after day of love and affection. Thanks for reading my rant! We are excited to be here!
Wow.. what a fantastic story! Thank you all so much for saving this beautiful boy!

give him at least three months to settle in… do puppy training with him to help with the house training.

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