Gracie Working Out......Welll.........kinda


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Feb 8, 2012
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:hmm: aaaaaaa........:blink: .........out run???? :blink:

[MENTION=4285]GRACIE11[/MENTION] I can't watch this video without laughing!! I wish every one knew Gracie's personality cause that make it even funnier.....O and let me guess......:hmm: ......the camera adds 10 lbs!!!! :yes:

Welll, I was trying to cheer her on, just like I would a fat girl trying to do gymnastics! Heh heh! :)


Pistol Packing Bullyagrapher
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May 5, 2010
United States
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Vegas and Orion
Yes! The Vegas stew diet. I took Vegas to the vet because I thought he had a problem with his ACL. He was always limping and favoring the same leg. The Dr I saw suggested this stew and said it was originally intended to help humans with weight loss. Both Vegas and Orion LOVED it. I had them down to 1/2 cup a day and supplementing the feedings with a lot of stew. No gas from either of them. Vegas, at his heaviest was pushing 69 pounds. When he was diagnosed with pneumonia on Halloween...I remember this so clearly.....we were told he was not allowed outside. This was going to be his first year trick or treating in our neighborhood wearing his devil costume. He had an appointment that day, so we dressed him up for the occasion. They had him step on the scale and he weighed 66.6 pounds. He was just over a year old. So....back to the weight loss story. Within a few months of only monitoring his food intake and giving him ONLY green beans for treats..Vegas is now a healthy 52 pounds. More importantly..he hasn't limped since the weight loss. He has maintained this weight for OVER 2 years. He has been off the diet for over a year.


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Yes! The Vegas stew diet. I took Vegas to the vet because I thought he had a problem with his ACL. He was always limping and favoring the same leg. The Dr I saw suggested this stew and said it was originally intended to help humans with weight loss. Both Vegas and Orion LOVED it. I had them down to 1/2 cup a day and supplementing the feedings with a lot of stew. No gas from either of them. Vegas, at his heaviest was pushing 69 pounds. When he was diagnosed with pneumonia on Halloween...I remember this so clearly.....we were told he was not allowed outside. This was going to be his first year trick or treating in our neighborhood wearing his devil costume. He had an appointment that day, so we dressed him up for the occasion. They had him step on the scale and he weighed 66.6 pounds. He was just over a year old. So....back to the weight loss story. Within a few months of only monitoring his food intake and giving him ONLY green beans for treats..Vegas is now a healthy 52 pounds. More importantly..he hasn't limped since the weight loss. He has maintained this weight for OVER 2 years. He has been off the diet for over a year.

[MENTION=4285]GRACIE11[/MENTION] Listen to them Vicki!!! I started the green bean diet for gracie yesterday.... And I worked her out. I made her walk and made her run and she will do it if you push her....she slows down like she is tired and basically makes me drag her but then my other dog would come running by her and she would run to get him and then she would slow down again. I pushed her and she did a good job. My mom was yelling at me cause she says Gracie has a hurt leg....she has a hurt leg cause she is fat and stiff....she limps if she sits or lays for a long time and if she walks alot...I didn't notice her limping during her "workout" I told her I am going to make Gracie walk everyday and if mymom feeds her more than what I tell her I am going to take Gracie and keep her till I am done with her...My mom fed fed her yesterday morning a little less than a cup and I fed her a handfull or 2 of kibble around 6 or so and then she got 3/4 cup of frozen green beans. i told my mom she could give her like small handful of kibble when they got hom because if Gracie has an empty tummy at night she throws up in the morning and we have learned she needs somthing in her tummy and that solves the problem. I called and asked her how much she gave her and I could tell she was lying to me [MENTION=4285]GRACIE11[/MENTION] :nono: and then she is like well she is hungry!!!! :shout: It is pointless for me to do it and to walk her if my mom won't stick to the diet. gracie is big and she gets tired quick. She weighs 50 but she has the body that should weigh 40....she has the more Compaq body so at 50 she looks like a big pig!!! No lie!


Pistol Packing Bullyagrapher
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May 5, 2010
United States
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Vegas and Orion
Don't force her. This is kinda scaring me. Vegas was able to drop the weight by food alone. Bulldogs are non-working dogs. Walking them is great, but too much too soon might not be the safest way to go about it. Let the diet work for now. Once she is at a healthier weight...maybe running and playing will be easier. Too much activity at an unhealthy weight can cause stress to the joints...oh and the ACL!! She is still a give her time. It took Vegas 4 to 5 months to drop the weight on the stew alone.


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Don't force her. This is kinda scaring me. Vegas was able to drop the weight by food alone. Bulldogs are non-working dogs. Walking them is great, but too much too soon might not be the safest way to go about it. Let the diet work for now. Once she is at a healthier weight...maybe running and playing will be easier. Too much activity at an unhealthy weight can cause stress to the joints...oh and the ACL!! She is still a give her time. It took Vegas 4 to 5 months to drop the weight on the stew alone.

O No we didn't go far and it was cold last night.... I know I didn't over work her because when she came inside she was running all over and harassing Cooper....she is just lazy. I can tell when she has had enought or is to that point. She has walked farther than what we did yesterday! She is just lazy and stubborn and spoiled and she nows if she slows down and sits she doesn't have to do it.....we will go on walks and Gracie will walk like 3 houses down and she is tired and when we get a little father and she slows down my mom will pick her she knows if she doesn't want to walk she doesn't have to cuz she can get some one to pick her tubby but up. No worries!!! We walked around my house like 5 I know I didn't over work her.. :) 5 times is not a long distance lol my yard is not big.


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[MENTION=572]Libra926[/MENTION] OMG 4-5 months.....You need to get in my moms ear!!! I know she won't keep up the diet for that long.... I am really trying to get her to switch to 4 star fromm too because she has Gracie on Fomm puppy food. She said she is going to switch but she wants to finish the bag of puppy food........Her shih tzu eats the puppy food so she can have it and Gracie can switch......She won't listen to me though. For example I had Gracie from 5-10:30 last night cuz my mom was at a track meet. When I first called my mom to tell her I had her the first thing she says to me.... OMG she is probably hungry did you feed her she is starving...well yes I brought her food with me but she was NOT starving...that was when I gave her a couple handfuls. We were at my aunts at that time and then we came home about 2 hrs later and I gave her the frozen green beans and took a pic and sent it to my mom....She called me and say that better not have been the only thing you fed her!!!!!!!!!!! OMG Seriously I think my mom thinks about Gracie and her eating 24/7! And I know when she went home she gave her food!!


Pistol Packing Bullyagrapher
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May 5, 2010
United States
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Vegas and Orion
Introduce her to the Vegas stew diet. It's a high fiber diet and it makes them feel fuller, longer.'s basically empty calories, so eat away!!! The difference in Vegas's weight was 15 pounds from his heaviest weight to his lightest weight. His energy increased and he plays so much more. We did this with just food alone. We didn't have to exercise him at all. The only exercise he got was with Orion in the backyard and climbing the stairs.


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Introduce her to the Vegas stew diet. It's a high fiber diet and it makes them feel fuller, longer.'s basically empty calories, so eat away!!! The difference in Vegas's weight was 15 pounds from his heaviest weight to his lightest weight. His energy increased and he plays so much more. We did this with just food alone. We didn't have to exercise him at all. The only exercise he got was with Orion in the backyard and climbing the stairs.

:) We will do that!!! Stop the walks and play with Cooper...She does get a good workout playing with him...He usually gets her on her back and she is such a chunk she is making fatty noises and can barely get rolled back over :) ........... I will make her tot stew :) Thanks You!!!! My mom was like I am not cooking food for her....she hates cooking period, my step dad rarely gets fed :rofl:


I'm not who moved my bulldog?
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Ah... she was giving it the best try --- still walked back-n-forth


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[MENTION=3281]BiggieSmalls[/MENTION] :rofl: :lmao: I don't think biggiesmalls could keep up with her...anyway she is too much woman for him!!! :blink: hehe she is doing good on her diet..yesterday we did the workout call "Around the house" But i didn't get it on tape :(


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I'm sure lil Biggie would love to give her a RUN for her money lol!!! pun intended. :)

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