Gotta take Jesse into the vet. Not good....


Staff member
Jan 27, 2010
Bulldog(s) Names
Molly, Mandy, Jesse, Yuna & Tidus
Jesse has an appointment in a couple of hours. She has not used the bathroom in 2 days and everything she is eating is coming back out undigested for 2 days.

I think she swallowed something and she is blocked. Please keep her in your prayers. :(
OH No,
Let us know what the vet says! Bertie is at the vet right now getting surgery and it is just nerve wracking for me! I'll say a prayer for Jesse.
I took Jesse to the vet. We could definately see something in the xray, but it was very deep in the intestine. Right now we think she is passing the object, and putting her on a bland diet and observing her for the next 24 hours. Since she seems to show no sign of being "sickly". If she continues to vomit we will take her in for another xray tomorrow and see if it has progressed.

Can you believe they called her fat? HAHAHA. She is. I could not believe she is 45lbs, and only 7 months old. She has always looked like this tho, ever since she was a pup......and she does not really look FAT. I prefer to say she looks "roly poly."

I guess I better quit givin her so many treats and cut her food intake in half. My little piggie girl Jesse is on a diet! :) Now we got two on a diet. 2 that need to gain weight, and one that is just right. Sounds like the story of the 3 bears, eh? Goes to prove that each bulldog is different, and requires a different amount of food. Cuz giving the same amount is definately NOT working!! :p

Hopefully we will have more news tomorrow. I really must go- was gone for several hours, you can only image what the house looks like since I was not here attending to the family (both human and furry)!!!! :eek:
Poor baby.. hopefully it will pass quickly. The old "chicken or boiled hamburger/rice" diet? We had to do that with Chester when we switched food too quickly :-(

Chester is almost 6 months old and weighed about 32 lbs at his neutering this past week.. you wouldn't think he could weigh so little.. he's always on the hunt for anything that may fill the bully belly :rolleyes:
So I was so involved with working on the site all weekend I forgot to post an update.

The next morning Jesse went poo and seemed fine. I think we got a bag of bad dog food. None of them will eat it and they turn up their noses.

Even tho the x-ray showed something in jesse's tummy it could have been small pieces of stuff, such as sticks which she loves to chew on :)

This bag of dog food- first I gave to the puppies and for a few days they did not want to eat very much. I figured they did not like it. So I gave Jesse 1/4 of it mixed with her regular food, and thought well maybe I will give it to Jesse since the pups don't want it.

I think the dog food was rancid. And that is maybe why Jesse threw up?

This is one thing you must watch when you feed high quality dog foods. They are not loaded with preservatives so if the bag has even a pinhole in it and is shelved for a long time, it can become sour.

If you open a bag of dog food, smell it to be sure it does not smell foul. Hard to tell, though. This bag smelt a bit fishy, but I did not think anything of it....

But hey, $275 later for x-rays and worry, at least I guess there is nothing wrong with my girl! Sucks that we went through all of it (and geez the cost of the vet!!!!) just because of a possible bag of rancid dog food. unfortunately, I cannot be certain, as it could have been a number of other things that could have caused her to throw up. But 3 dogs not liking a bag of dog food? Suspicious indeed!
This is one thing you must watch when you feed high quality dog foods. They are not loaded with preservatives so if the bag has even a pinhole in it and is shelved for a long time, it can become sour.

If you open a bag of dog food, smell it to be sure it does not smell foul. Hard to tell, though. This bag smelt a bit fishy, but I did not think anything of it....

Wow..I never would have thought about that..thank you SO much for bringing that up!

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