Going to see Harry Potter


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Community Veteran
Jan 28, 2010
Tucson, Arizona
Bulldog(s) Names
The Home of the Desert Sky Pack
I admit it. I love Harry Potter, and very excited to go see the movie. Chip and Carson went last night and Chip was not too impressed, but then again he hasn't read the books!

So this morning Noah and I are going. Yep, this is how we must go to the show having two toddlers! This will be the only movie we saw this whole year....

And no, I have no babysitters. Unless we have family in town, I have no trust in anyone to be able to handle 4 kids and 5 bullies....

See ya later!
I saw it and I LOVED IT. For the first time I was happy with a Harry Potter movie! But.... it has been a long time since I read the book.... normally I read the book again before I see the movie. Perhaps it is good to not have the book "fresh" in your mind!
ive never really been into the harry potter books.. we are getting jeffs oldest the first 7 books, her mom is getting the 8th and my parents are getting her the movies... she loves to read and is very advanced for her age.. so who knows i might end up getting into them lol
Glad you liked the movie! I am not a Harry potter person either but I love how you guys handle taking the kids to the movies, so creative! :)

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