Getting Fat due to Heat in Fl.


I couldn't make this sh*t up if I tried!
Jul 21, 2010
Bradenton Fl.
Bulldog(s) Names
I am looking for ideas on how to keep my 13 month old Vegas's weight in check, living in Florida with heat index it has been 105*, I basically take him out to poop and pee, and right back in, the problems is he is getting "chunky", when it was cooler we took him to the dog park regularly but with this heat we can't. What does other bully owners do, when the heat rises to excercise their dog?
Thank You.


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Honestly my boys do their own exercising for the most part by playing around the house and we play fetch in the house also. Maybe just cut back the food and add in some veggies, or cut out snacks aside from veggies during the summer.
I live in AZ and have the same problem. I put a large hurricaine fan on the back patio along with a misting system so that we can still spend a bit of time outdoors and play. I find that we can stay out for a good half hour this way, but the knute I see panting I bring them right back inside.

I give frozen green beans or carrots as a treat. I probably could cut down on their food a bit too, but Mandy would get awfully mad at me if I did :;
Also, they will not require as much food since he is not excersising. I just spelled that wrong. ;)
Living in Phoenix, AZ it gets pretty hott out here. I only take them outside during the day to do their business. So sometimes I crank up the AC and try && play catch with them inside, play games. If not Chelios && Faith with play around wrestling. If not, once the sun is down, we take them out around 9pm, when its a bit cooler we take them out for a short walk to the corner && back since its still pretty hot. But at least it gets em out of the house for a bit. Ah I can't wait for winter, cooler weather! :p lol
I keep my house cool, not just for him but with temps 105* for me too, but even inside when we play, he starts panting heavily and then plops down on the cool tile and passes out, I need to find him play dates for indoor play, I told my husband a week ago Vegas was getting chunky, and finally last night he agreed. I hate the fact that I have to keep him in, but he hates it more!!


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Another Phoenix resident who knows how hard it is to exercise bullies in the heat here...and has a big bullie that hates exercising just for the sake of exercising. I was fortunate with him because he was always paired with another bullie who enjoyed exercise, so he would usually try to keep up or play along. With a new puppy in the house along with our older bullie, we try to play on the grass for a little bit after dark every night when it cools off, play with some toys inside (even a game of tug is getting some activity in), and one weekly lap or two around a nice, air conditioned Petsmart or Petco to help stimulate their bodies and minds...and maybe pick up a few new toys too!
Here in Jacksonville, we actually have an indoor dog park. It is great, pool and everything. Finally someone looked at what dogs need in the heat! You might want to check around. The only way I found out is with our "play group"
Another dog park we go to is very shaded and has a pool that is for dogs under 25lbs, but very shallow and they will allow our Bullies to go into that area since they aren't swimmers. Much safer than the big pool.
How about playing in a sprinkler or with a hose. Cools the dog down and you can water at the same time. Just remember to target the cooler times of the day.
I'm in GA and it's been hot and miserable here for a few weeks now.

I just recently become a bully mom but I have two English mastiffs and they aren't very heat tolerant either. I usually just wait to go outside for a walk after it gets really late and cools off. I'm talking midnight or a little later. It works if you are a night owl. But if it wasn't for that my crew wouldn't get much outdoor time at all.

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