fruits and veggies


New member
Jun 3, 2010
Tyler, Texas
Bulldog(s) Names
Spike & Sparkles
just wanted to know what kind of fruit and veggies are good for english bulldogs somebody recommended i give fruits and veggies to spike...
I think most any really. My boys love green beans, carrots, peas, lima beans, asparagus... The list can go on. I buy the frozen bagged limas and green beans and keep them frozen and the boys LOVE them that way. Carrots I buy the baby ones and give a few each day also. Fruits I give a little of most whatever we are eating, if I dont my daughter does. lol. No grapes or raisins of course ever but any other fruit is good, no pits or seeds but apricot pieces, apples, bananas are my boys fav. I dont give whole fruits although sometimes when the banana is too ripe for me I do split that up for them to eat but they get good bites throughout the day of any of the above and others I am sure. Oh and strawberries. Love them. lol Would be easier to just say what not to give and work around that I think. lol.
Chelios LOVES fruit especially dried organic mango's!! lol. I would say mostly all kinds of fruits are good for bullys except for grapes like calijenn said :)
Vegas can hear a banana peel 4 campsites away. He loves his nanas! Lettuce! He can hear the bag open from upstairs. Greenbeans. Watermelon. Those are the ones we feed them.
Tuffy goes nuts for Bananas but I thought I read somewhere that they can cause diarrhea? Is that true?
kimrisa I would recommend you wait to give fruits & veggies until you have tuffy on a stable core diet, this way you can intoduce 1 fruit or veggie at a time to ensure that it does not effect him.

I know you are having a hard time finding him the right food. Perhaps try something that is higher in protein and see if that helps him?
kimrisa I would recommend you wait to give fruits & veggies until you have tuffy on a stable core diet, this way you can intoduce 1 fruit or veggie at a time to ensure that it does not effect him.

I know you are having a hard time finding him the right food. Perhaps try something that is higher in protein and see if that helps him?

Yes I agre that since you are trying to switch foods and find the best one maybe trying veggies isnt the right time. As far as bananas causing diarhea, I have had no problems in fact with my daughter is does the opposite so not sure how that works with bullies. Any other fruit is bound to cause loose stools tho if you give too much. The green beans and that type of veggie are probably best for not causing loose stools, in moderation of course.
Linus won't touch a fruit or veggie if his life depended on it...I gave him some peanut butter with a banana on it and he literally ate around the banana to be sure he didn't get a smidgen of the fruit.

Bentley would eat anything pretty much, his motto was eat first, think later - so I could get him to eat anything.

Truman is on a strict dog food diet right now. His stools are firm and healthy and, at his age, I want to try to keep it that way as long as I can!

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