food in crate

Paul Stott

New member
Dec 29, 2014
people who crate there dog do you put there food in there with them ?? as archie seems to pick at his so wondered whether to leave in or out:whistle:
but my thinking aswell is surely it will help in them not wanting to potty where there food is ?

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ie in crate
I have fed in the crate to help them know - this is where I eat and sleep, not poo/pee, but i would not leave it in there unsupervised.
Belle is crate trained but she only goes in at night or on the rare occasion that no one is at the house. I don't feed her in the crate...mainly because it's in the guest bedroom and she slobbers when she eats :) She eats in the kitchen where I can quickly mop it up LOL.
I used to only feed Bella in her crate, but I've since moved to the kitchen, as it's more convenient.
If you are going to feed in crate, make sure you supervise just like others suggested :) We don't leave food down for Tyson, he has designated breakfast/dinner times, and eats all his food at those times.
We have fed Harlea in her crate since we got her with no issues and always takes a nap right after. It gives her a break from the other animals and gives us a short break to eat ourselves.
Feeding in the crate is fine.

What I don't advice is free-feeding... putting food down at all times and have the dog decide when to eat. So, my suggestion is - if you prefer to feed in the crate, put the food in when it's time to eat then take it out after the allotted feed time - even if the dog has not finished. There are lots of advantages to this, like - This reminds the dog that you own the food which is crucial in behavior training, this also gives you more control of potty breaks, and this also helps in signaling health problems with the dog. Also, it helps with sanitation and pest control, etc.
I began feeding Winnie in her crate to get her to not pee and poop in the crate, which end worked great. I am still feeding her in the crate. If I don't, she runs over to Jack's dish and gobbles his food. I've had this issue with all 3 of my past bullies as well! Winnie gulps her food so fast, I only have to supervise for a minute or two. I also recommend taking up the food after 10 minutes or so. Archie will learn to eat all his food at once.
My dogs have always been fed at specific times 2x a day. But now that I have a very young puppy who needs to eat 3 to 4x daily I do leave a little food in her crate so that she can eat while I am at work. Once she is older I will transition her to twice a day feedings.
I feed my becky outside the create but both mj and austin eat in there creates but I don't leave food dishes in create both eat quite well and quite quickly

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