Face redness?


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Community Veteran
Jul 26, 2010
Southeast, Ma
Bulldog(s) Names
I do not know If I am being neurotic or not, but Guinness face looks redder and pink, but i do not know if this exact coloring is normal or not. Any help or feedback would be appreciated. He is on Fromm Puppy gold right now for food. Looking at the pics I think i am being way too paranoid hahaha Thanks in advance!



With an all white face you will notice some pinking on occasion, and the degree of the pinking may vary throughout the day. Similar to blushing or getting flushed as well. But just watch for any signs of it getting really really pink. Personally I think he looks perfect, and it will take a full 4 weeks minimum on a new food for their bodies to be 100% off of the old food. The only changes you will probably see is maybe 'brighter' eyes and silky coat, since he is still a pup. But the best change, LESS POOP!!!
I agree with desertsky, Gertie and Ida both have white faces and they seem to look more pink right after they eat, or play hard or after they wake up. Sort of like little kids with rosey cheeks or something. He is sooo adorable!!
That looks like a normal healthy "pink-ness" to me. It doesn't look raw or sore to me ..... Guinness is just beautiful!!
Jozi doesn't have near as much white
on her as Guinness. But what she does
have looks the same. I think he is fine.
What a great looking hound he is.
I have to say... Chester has the same harness! :up: Anyway.. Chester's mouth area and one side of his face is white, and I have to agree, he seems to get "flushed" whenever he eats or plays..etc.
Thanks everyone i really appreciate it a lot!! feel a lot better now.
I was wondering that myself about Bella, so glad to hear that there is a certain amount of pinkness that occurs during the day.
Your Guinness is beautiful!
the way we tell if lex gets to hot is his face (mouth, ears) will get dark red. but with the whiteness of his face you'll see lots of pink!
Looks fine to me.......but a lot of bulldogs are allergic to plastic and get skin irratations from plastic food and water dishes. So I'd buy a stainless steel set........ if the inside of the ears turn from a light rose pink to a darker pink or red then you got allergy problems probably caused by the dust coming off of their food. I'd reccomend a grain free food if this happens.
I think he looks ok too. Nothing to worry about. :yes: Stiggy's all white like Lex and his face always has some sort of pink tint to it and gets darker after he plays or eats.
I think he looks perfect too! Silva has a white face too and do notice different times of day or after different activity it is more noticeable!
Glad I found this thread. Just this past week I think I've noticed that Emmitt's face looks more pink. It doesn't look irritated, just pink.

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